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Prayer Wall

Please pray for my dear friend, Patrick. He is a pastor’s son. He is addicted to meth and is in homosexuality. He hasn’t chosen to go to a long term rehab. Please pray for his complete deliverance and surrender to Jesus Christ - for his eyes to be opened, and that his stony heart would soften. I’ve been praying for 7 years, believing for breakthrough and for God to get the glory. This has been going on for a long time…I feel tired, but can’t give up. Thank you, God bless.
1 person prayed for this request.

Andrew Pick
Healing from blocked salverity gland and pain relief and increase my faith and protection also pray for healing from bump inside of thigh on leg

Lee Lewis
I am a 54 year old man who has been praying to find a wife for a very long time. God has blessed me in many ways, but I am still hoping that his plans for me include a loving and faithful spouse. Please pray for me. Thank you.

Daniel Chrzanowski
I cannot eat or drink anything for the last 2 weeks I have had stomach ache and feel sick because of that. Let us break and curse that illness or whatever it is in Christ's authority. Let us pray, resist the devil, rebuke that condition, and command the sickness or inflammation to go away in the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray, amen.

Urgent prayer for my 6 children…. Please pray for Salvation, safety and deliverance from Satan. Thank you, God Blesd

Am sick Please pray for the healing of my liver. Thank you

I kneel and Pray for Israel, my family and myself Bless Israel and Pray for Shalom peace and joy to all in Israel. Amen Praise The Lord Wisdom , Deliverance from Balance debts to be crushed soonest under the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ miraculously and an angel of Blessings locate us today as God's messenger to come and help us resolve it . May our marriage be joyful as it’s quite tense at present and we get to rejoice together with family. Lastly may our Restaurant Business prosper and sales increase daily as we know ....Nothing is impossible with Our God Thank you so much for Prayers in Advance may our God Bless you & your ministry . Please plead with our Jehovah Jireh, if we can find a lender with a private / Bank or Institution with low interest funds and we promptly pay back every month as the requirement is { not } big, however this is required to repay back our high interest loans which is really a burden at present. May our Prayers be answered according to His will today, because HE LOVES ME Amen

Jeremy Thompson
I very much want right now my girlfriend Kimberly cured of her terrible illness she's had it for a long time and to respond to both my Hotmail and Gmail messages I sent her and to come on Hangouts chat and Google messages. And I very much want people to stop saying that there is such thing as the devil and there is not and that there is a hell there is no hell there's only happened people that say there are such thing as the devil and hell they're very sick in the head they have a mental illness they need to talk to a therapist.
2 people prayed for this request!

Seth M
I’ve been feeling very sick the last two weeks in my MA program at Multnomah University. It feels like a spiritual attack—I feel physically weak, and my mind and emotions have been attacked. I’ve fallen very behind. Pray that God will help me to completely catch up! Pray that God will restore what the locusts have eaten. Pray for strength, focus, discipline and energy. Pray that I will get ahead instead of behind. Pray for favor and grace with my professors. Pray that I will succeed this semester. Pray that God will protect me from attacks and surround me with angels. Thanks.
10 people prayed for this request!

Sally Gutierrez Beltran
Please pray husband Felix salvation marriage deliverance from alcohol LORD GOD restore my marriage remove his stoney heart give him love compassion towards me thank you
15 people prayed for this request!

Joseph Corera
Lord Jesus, you know my family in deep financial & health crisis, totally devastated with curses and evil tests. Collection agents are chasing our family and fearing tortures / abuses. I beg you Holy Trinity, to deliver us from all evil and its wrathful attacks. Come Lord to our immediate rescue with necessary financial breakthrough miracle & health blessings by your unconditional mercy & love.
7 people prayed for this request!

Van Frietze
Please pray for me and my wife's financial situation.
18 people prayed for this request!

daniel cahill
Hi pastor and all my wonderful brothers and sisters at Family Transformation!Only if you have a second i desperately need your prayers i am saved yet homeless in NYC at 77 and finding i have no strength left to fight the good fight of faith which is just a little scary make that a lot scary!GOD bless you brother Danny 7/31/23
18 people prayed for this request!

Phil Chavez
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. Please Pray GOD Blesses me financially so I can pay all bills and not have to worry about paying future bills. ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon.,I've been praying for this since 1995...In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen
15 people prayed for this request!

Kathie Anonymous
Please Pray- God helps me get my Car repaired so I can pass emissions. My time is up - now I can't get to Church,Temp Jobs or interviews.Thanks Brothers/Sisters
16 people prayed for this request!

Theo Nemeth
Please pray that the Lord leads me to the Mini DV Tapes that my relatives left in their Car that got stolen on Jan 3 2022. Thank you Church.
9 people prayed for this request!

David Whitworth
Lord Jesus by Your blood please answer all my prayers in my books & journal. Praise You Lord Amen & Amen
8 people prayed for this request!

Zlata Bartunova
for the Lord Jesus Christ give Alina Pisarevskaya the perfect love that casts out fear in Jesus Mighty Name amen
17 people prayed for this request!

Phil Chavez
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. Please Pray GOD Blesses me financially so I can pay all bills and not have to worry about paying future bills. ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon.,I've been praying for this since 1995...In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen
10 people prayed for this request!

Donald Woodard Jr
Please pray that a financial miracle will come through and help me pay for my college account balance and that God will open a door for me to come back to Old Dominion University for this fall semester. Lastly, that God will lead me to the right girlfriend, so that I can be in a relationship with for the rest of my life
12 people prayed for this request!

Elizabeth Holmes. Too,received salvation and water baptism in Jesus name.
8 people prayed for this request!

Anonymous Anonymous
Please pray for Chaska. He has no strength anymore to fight the stronghold of sin and fornication. He continues to engage in a relationship with a lady name Shanell, which caused him and his wife to divorce. This lady continues to engage in a sinful relationship with him and appears to enjoy helping to destroy a family. In fact, since she has come into his life, she has caused him to spend little time with his children. Pray that God removes any witchraft or strongholds placed on him by her, and allows him to be able to have the strength to let her go for good. Pray that God causes sin to become so repulsive to him, that he never wants to engage in it again, and rededicate his life and ways back to the word of God. Pray that God does a permanent remove of this lady from his life, since he has tried to rid his life of her in the past, and ask others to pray for him, but she continued to pursue him until she overtook him, and caused him to lose his family.
6 people prayed for this request!

Hello. I am still fairly young in the Lord. I never grew up around my father too much, but It never caused me to feel like a woman or anything like that despite being raised by women. However, I had been seeing thoughts that I would in the future dress like a woman and be transgender. This disturbed me, because I’ve never been tempted by that, and I do not consider it a temptation now even. But I wanted to ask for prayer that I would be confident in my manhood and being a man, and that I would never dress like a woman or do that abominable thing. Thank you
3 people prayed for this request!

Bryson Pounds
I had been having thoughts about death. I haven’t been having them recently, but I wanted to ask for prayer that God would prolong my days the same way he did king Hezekiah, and that I would not die but live to declare the works of the Lord. Thank you
3 people prayed for this request!

Special pray for Demetra's Mother who is very sick and she is not working because she is taking care of her mother, they both need a miracle and blessings and strength. Prayer for Danicka's family and strength. Special pray for Anthony Snow to be delivered and set free as he is doing the Lord's Will. Prayer Rev Leigh's mothers health which is failing...Prayer for Lloyd deliverance. Prayer for the United States House of Representatives, Congress, and The President of the United States. Prayer for Delores who has Covid. Prayer for Mercedes Samantha and Paytin favor and blessings. Prayer for Malachi's self esteem blessings and deliverance. Prayer for Lloyd Deliverance. Prayer for Darlene Teresa and Shirley. Prayer for Rashard Shaw David ShawAli Shaw Marshae and children. Prayer for William P. attorney to have wisdom and to work hard. Prayer for Scotty to have wisdom, faith, and blessings in his life without guilt or condemnation. Prayer for Tiana J for complete healing in Jesus Name! Special Prayer for Rev Leigh for her job pray for her son Kenny Jr who has chosen for now to be rebellious and in a backslidden state.Prayer for Termaine, Mary, Malachi, Aaron, prayer for Skye, Prayer for Minister Taylor healing in her mind and heart. Prayer for Ecclesia Church to grow in every way and the enemies chains to be broken! Prayer for Jeanne's Job to be more kind and fair, prayer for her emotions not to get the best of her! Prayer for Demetra for favor blessings and provision. Prayer for the political system which is in a mess both Democrats and Republicans. Prayer for all political leaders to realize that love will overcome punishment in our criminal justice systems. Prayer for Rev Leighs mom. Prayer for The United States for Peace, and safety, prayer for The President and The Congress! Prayer for the Men and Women in Prison and those that are disproportionately incarcerated. Prayer for the new leper's in 2022 convicted felons and Sex offenders, may they be healed and eventually able to integrate back into society, may the country and states change laws to be more equitable...and merciful! There are also disparities concerning child welfare cases most of which disproportionately affect black and brown people of color. Pray that we change criminal codes and sentencing guidelines at the federal state and local levels. Love mercy and restoration is sustainable! Proverbs 31:8-9 KJV [8] Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. [9] Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy. Prayer for the homeless that we keep sweeping but never address rehabilitation. Prayer for Kenny Jr who is homeless and needs to come back to Christ for deliverance. Prayer for Reverend Benson's Job for favor blessings and promotion. Pray for the Ukraine to have total victory and safety! Prayer for Royce, He has been through a lot but The Lord is bringing him out! He still needs full deliverance, disintegrat
2 people prayed for this request!

Kenneth Wilson
Pray for Our Country the United States of America to humble ourselves and turn to god turn from some much wicked way and mercy for our country. Pray for Israel and the Jewish people. Pray for the family of those who lose loved ones. Pray for the country of Ukraine for peace and comfort during this difficult time. Pray for my family and for those who are sick for healing. Pray for my cousin and our family for comfort and strength over the loss of my aunt. Pray for my mother and her health, deliverance from alcohol addiction and needs. Pray for my older sister and her husband, pray for her two daughters and three sons. Pray for my nephew. Pray for my little sister and her friend. Pray for my brother for godly wisdom and salvation. Also pray for his girlfriend and his two baby sons for protection. I have cried many times because of hurtful things in my relationship with my neighbor. Pray for my relationship with my next door neighbor and those I am close to that live across the world. for our relationship to grow stronger and better than it has ever been. Help us come closer together than ever before. Pray that we won't break apart for our love to be better than ever and her behavior and choices. Also pray for a miracle for all my relationships to be more intimate and more loving. Pray for how my neighbor has treated me and how to love me more than before. Pray for a brighter day and special moments. Pray that nothing and no one will tear us apart. Pray for pulling down the strongholds and soul ties in her life. Stop all the wrongful and hurtful things that have been destroying our relationships. Set my neighbor free from the world of the enemy, from bad company and influences, from soul ties, and the things of the world. Pray that my neighbor and others won 't leave me and to bring us together each day. Pray for restoration of what we had together and to bring our hearts together. Pray for my neighbor and her whole family for deliverance from any wickedness and rebellion, salvation also draws closer together to do things the godly and loving way. Pray for my extended Family for comfort, strength, peace, a touch in their heart and life over loss of family members that have passed away. Pray for the country of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and any country by russian for safety and protection. Pray for deliverance for myself, and others around from any addictions. Pray for my brothers and sisters in christ for their family members, loved ones, concerned of others for deliverance from addictions, bad influences and the things of the world. Pray for salvation for them all and the holy spirit to speak to their hearts, minds and life. Pray for the state of Florida and the people living there.
6 people prayed for this request!

Phil Chavez
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen . ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon in JESUS Name. I've been praying for this since 1995
16 people prayed for this request!

I would like to pray for all of the Lord Jehovah's children to be aware and filled with the spirit of discernment and obedience. Individually, I would like to pray for my mother ....... 1. Marena M. Clunie 2. Dr. Paula C. Perez 3. Reyanna A. Clunie 4. Adam Lee Negron (ex) 5. Jessica Negron Adams wife 6. Raymond Anthony Clunie 7. All the children in churches 8. For my health 9. BreAnna Lee Sciancelepore 10. Barbie I pray for my the Clunies and as a whole and all the agriculture in the world and also the water and the air and for there to be more togetherness and off the web more please cutting down our trees is causing problems with my breathing. i love you
11 people prayed for this request!

Widjaikumar Ramdas
Me and my family members live in Suriname, South America. Me and my family members must to emigrate from Suriname, South America to the Netherlands- Europe Me and my family members must arrive- reach and live in Holland, The Netherlands- Europe Me and my family members must get the rights (nationality) in Holland, The Netherlands- Europe Me and my family members must get a cushy job, a very fulfilling job and a good paying job and work in Holland, The Netherlands - Europe That our daughter, Chandanie Ramdas, born on sep 27 1999 should be able to get married in the Netherlands - Europe. Her marriage must empowered by God's love and grace in order for to God's will be done. Miss Chandani, Mrs Karoena, Mr Rajendra, Mr Vedjindra, Mr Widjaikumar and Mrs Sattie Singh Needs a job early next year 2023-For our family financial system to make good. for our family will get out of trouble and debt! Mr Rajendra, Mr Vedjindra want the deliverance for drinking- alcohol and smoking-cigarette. Mrs. Soesiela Awadhpersad want her healing from her kidney not functioning well. Mrs Soesiela Awadhpersad like her healing from her ureter functioning not well and her urinary tract not functioning well.
11 people prayed for this request!

my wife has a blood infection that needs to be treated and she was at the hospital most of the day on Monday getting her labs done and the doctors said that the blood work was good but then today we get a call that says there was infection in her blood stream however the doctor told us that if she needed to come back and she was feeling worse to get to the er as fast as she could please keep my wife alicia lallement in your prayers
9 people prayed for this request!

Jim DelVecchio
I've been encouraged to keep asking and keep knocking - Lord Jesus please hear my plead –for a breakthrough that our communication will be reestablished. First and foremost, I’m asking the Lord to forgive me for my sin and for hurting my wife Maria and not covering her and our marriage in prayer daily. I should have been a better husband – I take responsibility for failing God and my wife. I'm also requesting pray that God would send a stranger, a co-worker someone that would witness to my wife to her about the salvation that's available to her through Jesus Christ. I pray for her salvation most importantly. Thank you in Jesus Precious Name. Amen
6 people prayed for this request!

Hi I will like to reçeive an Holy Study Bible New Testament large print french or english Vita Philipp 1045 Place de la Colombiere apt # 8 Montréal Québec Canada H2M 1B8 thank s for your prayer s
2 people prayed for this request!

Seth McAdams
I’m a whistleblower for my former ministry, for financial corruption. They portrayed me as crazy and removed me. Registered mail from the ministry is arriving any day, which is a lawsuit against me because of my whistleblower emails. God’s shown me the strategy, and it’s urgent, I need your prayers. Please pray that God will enable me to get the next flight out to Jerusalem. Pray for the round-trip flights so I can fast (most likely partial) and pray 40-days at the Jerusalem Western Wall, for God to shower His mercy over the ministry which is about to be destroyed through corruption, and for God to show mercy and forgiveness to everyone in leadership and bring them to salvation. This will force them to delay the lawsuit knowing I’m praying for mercy for THEM. Pray that God will HELP me with all the arrangements, expedite the visa, get free, quiet room and board in Jerusalem, make everything possible. Pray that my parents will help as much as possible with cost, and be strongly in support of me. Thanks.
4 people prayed for this request!

Phil Chavez
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen . ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon in JESUS Name. I've been praying for this since 1995
8 people prayed for this request!

Christophe Banks
Prayer for Jesus to make my father's side of the family to give back my child support they went prodigal with, because with none I could not save up for college. They spent it on pleasures, inauthentic friends and a social status though under court orders since my babyhood. Trying to reminding them now, they do not take it in loathsome saying it's my fault for the separation followed with racial comments. I am like those daughters who went to Moses for the inheritance at the root thereof, as I want this message to future generation to know that God won't forget my struggles..
9 people prayed for this request!

Phil Chavez
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen . ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon in JESUS Name. I've been praying for this since 1995
7 people prayed for this request!

I am believing God to bless me with a better job....One that I can work remotely from home, with better pay, and in or related to the area of my college degree.
16 people prayed for this request!

As we all are... my family is going through a very trying time... I am disabled and my beautiful daughter has Down Syndrome.... my husband and I also have a 17 yr old.... 40th bday suprise..surprise... thank-you for my babies Lord Jesus... with all the stress may we come together as a family... cheer each other on and truly understand God's love is so great he is just making us stronger... I have strayed from religion but not my close faith and pure love God, Jesus,Mary, Joseph and all the saints with me everyday. Thank you in Jesus name.. blessings to you all as I shall pray for you and yours????
14 people prayed for this request!

Bryson P
Id like to ask for prayer that if it’s Gods will he’d make a way for me to continue practicing my music despite having a new job, and that if it’s his he’d make a way for me to put 10,000 hours into practicing music. Thank you.
5 people prayed for this request!

Bryson Pounds
I ask for prayer about music, and I ask for prayer that if it’s Gods will he’d allow me to become a country/southern gospel artist within the next three years if it’s his will, and that id be the best I can possibly be at guitar and singing. I ask for prayer if it’s his will id practice everyday what I need to practice.Thank you
19 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST Protection prosperity miracles wisdom , freedom, bigs gains, winner's life of bigs gains, favor of God, blessings, finance, business 's prosperity, chance success healthy healing for pastor Thieringo , all this things must be covered by the blood of Jesus , in Jésus name
11 people prayed for this request!

Holly Tabron
Please pray that as william carol zion angel and Donald are in God's hands that God has mercy on them and that those still here are saved forever and that all curses and deals made with the devil concerning all are broken and for family love and unity. Thanks.
13 people prayed for this request!

Phil Chavez
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen . ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon in JESUS Name. I've been praying for this since 1995
16 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for my son Ryan and his wife Michelle. For healing and hope . For denial to be removed. For God to send mentors.
18 people prayed for this request!

Please pray God opens a door for full time work with good wage Thanks Brothers/Sisters.
12 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER Request Protection prosperity miracles finances wisdom freedom, bigs gains, winer's life of bigs gains, favor of God, blessings, heathy Succès chance healing for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
14 people prayed for this request!

Praying for my sister and her child. My sister is involved with the wrong man. This man has alot of issues and refuses to get help. My sister is with him for all the wrong reasons. My family told her to leave this relationship. She refuses. She is not thinking about how this is affecting her child. I have a terrible feeling things will get worse.
11 people prayed for this request!

Reynoso Paulin
Please prayer for Daisey and Raul Reynoso for Divine Healing of all their bodies may God touch from the soles of the feet to the head healing and restoring every organ in the Name of JESUS ??Amen Thank you very much for helping us pray and fight
17 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST Protection prosperity miracles wisdom freedom, bigs gains, winner's life of bigs gains, favor of God, blessings, chance success healthy healing for pastor Thieringo in Jésus name
14 people prayed for this request!

Phil Chavez
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen . ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon in JESUS Name. I've been praying for this since 1995
13 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST Protection prosperity miracles wisdom freedom, bigs gains, winner's life of bigs gains, favor of God, blessings, chance success healthy healing for pastor Thieringo in Jésus name
12 people prayed for this request!

William Skasick
Please pray for me I'm a 68 yr old man with very bad lower abdomen pain had 2 ultrasounds done with several doses of antibiotics but nothing is working I'm in alot of excruciating pain especially the last 2 weeks nobody knows what is wrong please pray that this will improve and go away
76 people prayed for this request!

Crystal Vines
Please pray for sleep at night and full time employment soon
11 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST Protection prosperity miracles wisdom freedom, bigs gains, winner's life of bigs gains, favor of God, blessings, chance success healthy healing for pastor Thieringo in Jésus name
8 people prayed for this request!

Rachel S
I need you to pray in the name of Jesus for my best friend Alyssa. She is under spiritual attack, while also coping with trauma. Please pray for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual protection over her. I am so afraid for her, what the enemy is doing in and to her, and what he will do if his hold is not broken, and she continues to believe his lies instead of God's truth. Also, pray for God's hand of healing, that he will heal her, me, and us from the trauma we have been experiencing.
72 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST Protection prosperity miracles wisdom freedom, bigs gains, winner's life of bigs gains, favor of God, blessings, chance success healthy healing for pastor Thieringo in Jésus name
5 people prayed for this request!

Daniel Cahill
Hi pastor and all my brothers and sisters at Faith Temple!Praise the LORD!I am saved yet homeless at 75!I just had to write and say thank you very much for praying for me it is keeping me from giving up!Please keep it up a little longer I so much want to make it to the end and see JESUS!GOD bless you brother Danny 6/18/22
11 people prayed for this request!

Mark Peacock
My mother-in-law is in poor health getting worse
14 people prayed for this request!

Protection prosperity miracles wisdom freedom, bigs gains, winner's life of bigs gains, favor of God, blessings, chance success healthy healing for pastor Thieringo in Jésus name
70 people prayed for this request!

I need a prayer that God will take me home soon as I have been dealing with various illnesses and I long to see Jesus soon. I have been dealing with worry and anxiety as I lost much of my family and I am tired and ready to be with the Lord. Thank you for your prayers for me and may God bless. Amen
5 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST Protection prosperity miracles wisdom freedom, bigs gains, winner's life of bigs gains, favor of God, blessings, , chance success healthy healing for pastor Thieringo in Jésus name
11 people prayed for this request!

Aziza T. Lawal
Please pray God’s Love and best for my children. Pray for God’s protecting hand on me. Reframe me from being drawn in to negative, orchestrated, dark intentions of provocation. Multiple attacks have been against me, at different work environments. Currently as CDL Class A driver, I am given work truck with crooked wheel that impedes on my driving. I am giving excuses and why it can’t be fix. When I’m driving wheel opens with “play” free space, when I turn wheel axles are not turning wheel appropriately; putting me in danger. Especially on curves and work construction lanes on highway. I am being singled out; I am a dark skin brown woman. I have sought help and guidance but my request through email and calls go unresolved. Keep me in prayer. I look for prayer partners, for unity | strength | mental wholeness. My cell is (518) 817-0737 | *Thank you wholeheartedly, Aziza T. Lawal
8 people prayed for this request!

Theo Nemeth
I need the Church to please pray that I recover my sentimental memories in the Mini DV's that was stolen out of my relatives Car. I believe in the Most High way too much for me to stop praying this prayer. Please pray that I recover all of these memories that I value that can never be replaced. Thank you in advance.
80 people prayed for this request!

Protection prosperity miracles wisdom freedom, bigs gains, winner's life of bigs gains, favor of God, blessings, chance success healthy healing for pastor Thieringo in Jésus name
5 people prayed for this request!

Thomas Gathman
Please pray for family issues and healing of my mind, body and spirit....thank you in Jesus' name amen
7 people prayed for this request!

Elisabeth Bannerman
My name is Elisabeth Bannerman asking for a prayer for Gods Divine healing for Cancer of the Breast ,with the spread of the cells in the Body and i am starting a Radioactive Therapy for Cancer i am hoping with your prayer Gods healing power will heal me completely. i am a resident of Accra Ghana
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Gabriel B
As we all look to the heavens for this prayer. Lord God in heaven hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Lord God in heaven command under the authority of Jesus Christ Almighty remove the Legion of demons from Stacy in the name of God almighty come out of her in Gods holy and mighty name Yahweh Almighty we all are in agreement no one wants to be controlled on this earth. Lord God give her peace of mind and a heart that turns to you for all she needs and wants and she is a new creature in you God almighty I’m Jesus Name Amen
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PRAYER REQUEST : For the pastor Thieringo : 2022 and after : Continue to pray for this pastor. He has the same requests (see previous posts.)
14 people prayed for this request!

Crystal Vines
Please pray for sleep at night and finances. Last night I slept an hour and woke up to suicide dreams
13 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST Protection prosperity miracles wisdom freedom, bigs gains, g chance success healthy healing for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
6 people prayed for this request!

Athena Brooke
Please can I beg you to urgently send a heavy prayer for a miracle healing for Alexandre Durin, who is in intensive care in a Paris Hospital with severe brain damage. I have been told he has 1-2 days to live so I am begging you all to urgently pray for a miracle recovery for him. Thank you so much, Athena
17 people prayed for this request!

Angela Hughes
Gracious God, we love you, thank you for your faithfulness, love and mercy. We pray against the spirit of anti Christ,false witness,terrorism,idolatry, sexual immorality, sorcery,leviathan,jezebel,witchcraft,hatred,wars, pestilences, famine,divination and violence. Pray America repents of its sin of homosexuality, lesbianism,abortion,pride of weath,witchcraft and idolatrous worship. We ask that your people who are called by your name would humble themselves and repent of their sins and that you would forgive our sins and heal our land. We pray that the spirit of darkness be lifted from America and the scales would be lifted from peoples eyes that they may see the truth and be set free. We pray for a return of all people to the fear of the lord and that the ancient foundations of American be not removed. We pray that in all things Lord you will work for the good of those who love you, who have been called according to your purpose. We pray that Jesus Christ guide the minds of those who govern us to promote the common good according to his will and that the leaders of our nation and the world may have the strength to govern wisely the peoples entrusted to them by the Lord. We pray that you would raise up leaders after Christ own loving heart and bring down those who would seek only their own power and glory. Reveal all corruption and let your justice prevail in the earth. Convict the conscience of any person in position of leadership who fail to serve their people faithfully and cause those who are unfit for office to step down. We pray for revival in our hearts and churches that God would rise up shepherds that are spirit filled, speak the truth in love and manifest the gifts of the holy spirit. We pray the Lord Jesus will forgive us for our many sins and grant peace in the land, and that we will lie down and no one will make us afraid. We pray that the Lord would remove wild beasts from our land, and the sword will not pass through our country. Lord Jesus we pray that when the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and healing for all of those affected by the coronavirus. Lord in your loving kindness and tender mercies hear our prayers and let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We give you glory for moving by your spirit and answering our prayers. In Jesus name Amen.
9 people prayed for this request!

William Skasick
Please pray for me I'm a 67 yr old man with extremely bad GERD LPR REFLUX DISORDER flareup now can barely eat anything at all have a big throat lump with pain thru to my right shoulderblade area pray God will improve these very bad symptoms had to go to the hospital Friday night
16 people prayed for this request!

Phil Chavez
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen . ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon in JESUS Name. I've been praying for this since 1995
11 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST Protection prosperity miracles wisdom freedom, bigs gains, winner's life of bigs gains, favor of God, blessings, chance success healthy healing for pastor Thieringo
10 people prayed for this request!

Denise Lantigua
Prayer for Karen Tripp: Total Complete Divine Miraculous Healing. IN JESUS NAME AMEN !!!!!!!! 2/24/2022
11 people prayed for this request!

Seth McAdams
Please pray for me for God’s help with moving. I’m moving across the country to Bend, OR. Pray for deep, restful, healing sleep every night, and great energy and efficiency from early morning to late at night and that I will pack, move everything and clean with great vigor, efficiency, and God’s wisdom. Pray that I will rapidly pack the car—and pack it in a tight, compact, organized way, eliminating everything I don’t need, and travel light. Pray that I will clean the apartment so well, and everything will work perfectly, so they will not charge for anything. I’m financially very tight for this move. Pray God will miraculously minimize or eliminate all costs in this move, and richly, generously cover all expenses. Pray for a safe 4-day drive, and that God will settle me in well when I arrive, with the right employment, the right path in life, and the right place to live, as God leads with wisdom. Thanks.
15 people prayed for this request!

Dear GOD, I have prayed in holy name and holy truth of True Holy Lord, Whatever happening inside me, whether it is work of salvation, or work of destruction. I have not given true holy consent for any wrong spiritual/religeous project. I have only prayed for our true salvation and true deliverance. In your HOLY NAME. AMEN.
19 people prayed for this request!

Dear True Holy God, There is only one True God, no other God. Then why you have kept heavens inside me as well as outside in space. these bombardment of voices have created all type of schizophrenias /dysfunctions (physically*mentally*emotionaly). This is running for last 10 years. Dear God I am not blamming true innocents but please take this pain...suffering...destrution......killing...stuff I pray in holy name and holy truth of true holy LORD ...AMEN.
10 people prayed for this request!

Seth McAdams
I’ve recently been suspended from my ministry position, because although I was an excellent employee, someone with power hated me and poisoned the leadership against me. The Lord has shown me that I will soon be restored back to my position—pray that I won’t even miss a paycheck, and won’t lose any pay. Pray that it will not be a ‘probationary period,’ but it will be a full restoration! Pray that those who tried to discredit me will now elevate and honor me. Pray that I will come back very strong, in the strength of the Lord. Pray that I will quickly catch up on all the work I’m behind on, get ahead, and excel. Pray that I will exceed every expectation, surmount every obstacle, and do everything with quality and distinction. Pray that I will lead the regular sprint meetings more powerfully and effectively than before, work well with the team, and lead every member of the team to excellence. Pray that I will be honored, trusted and respected in my job, and that my job and position will be secure from slander and attacks, so I can purely focus on what I’m there to do. Pray my service will be recognized and I will receive raises, and the Lord will expand my work. Pray that even now I will concentrate and focus on what the Lord has for me, serving Him well, doing what I should and pressing into His Presence in worship and prayer, even during this interim period. Thanks.
15 people prayed for this request!

Dear True Holy God of True Salvation, I am praying for True Salvation and True Deliverance of my wife (Name: Vandana Swaroop Purani) and my Daughter....(Name: Prasha Swaroop. Purani)...In JESUS name Amen.
12 people prayed for this request!

Dear True Holy God of True Salvation, I am praying for True Salvation and True Deliverance of my mother....(Name: Babuben N. Purani)...In JESUS name Amen.
14 people prayed for this request!

Dear Holy LORD OUR God, I pray for me that I never cheat my family and wife. I pray that no delusion currupt me and my heart. I pray that no delusion create anarchy in relationship with my wife. I pray if my wife want to seperate from me she seperate with holiness, love,..understanding and wisdom and truth with your conversation. I pray that only you are mediator between me and my wife. No one else. because we do not know the Holiness of LAW and LOVE I pray the same for my father and mother also.. in HOLY name and HOLY Truth of JESUS CHRIST. AMEN.
4 people prayed for this request!

Dear LORD Work of Death is SIN against Creation, Genesis, Existance, Life, Begining, The victimes of death need supreme advocacy to save themselves. Your supreme advocacy can only save them. DEAR LORD HELP THEM ALL AND AS A WHOLE. I pray in HOLY name and HOLY truth of LORD/JESUS CHRIST AMEN.
6 people prayed for this request!

Thuy Nguyen
Please pray urgent for me and my daughter to bind and destroy attacks of demons stealing jobs , killing , evils cause dangerous diseases (trauma of cerebral , stroke , hemiplagia....), evils witchcrafts , control mental , , May God protect me and my daughter and my sisters , brothers and descendants in peace and wellbeing . Please bind spirits of Son , Liên , Oanh and all members of theirs families , cut the comunications of evils between them , Son , Liên , Oanh , Sang must give up satan and witchcrafts , return to believe God . God bless you .
7 people prayed for this request!

mazza antonietta
please pray for healing for Carmelo who is desperately in need of a miracle and of healing my eight year old nephew Carmelo has an inoperable brain tumour I love Carmelo and Carmelo means everthing to me I believe in miracles and in healing and I believe in the power of healing miracles and prayers please pray for a miracle and for healing for Carmelo and please keep Carmelo in your thoughts and prayers Thank you beloved God bless you ?? Carmelo aunty mazza
11 people prayed for this request!

Leo Sourisseau
Prayer For the Second Coming of Jesus - I pray that Jesus Christ returns to Earth soon, to bring the eternal love and peace of the Kingdom of God to all who believe in Him, and for every knee to bow to Him, and for every tongue to confess that Jesus is Lord at His return. Amen. _____________________________________ Dear everyone, please pray for this prayer request above, and please share it with everyone, everywhere! Until it comes true, and Jesus returns to save His people - which hopefully, by then, will include all the people of the world! Thank You! God bless you! :) Sincerely, Leo Sourisseau Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada worldpeacenow4all@gmail.com Also, please visit the website of prayerforsecondcoming.com Also please visit the new prayer website of prayertouseoursufferings.com PLEASE - Pray the prayers above to help Jesus to triumph on Earth soon! Jesus is the best eternal leader for humanity - vote for Jesus, with your prayers! :) So please add these two prayers above to your prayer arsenal - but they'll only work if you use them! And please ask as many other people as you can to pray these above prayers too! Thanks so much, everyone! Pray without ceasing! Pray, pray, pray! For Jesus, and for humanity! Everyone! Please come very soon Jesus, and please save us all !
4 people prayed for this request!

Seth McAdams
In my ministry, I have been suspended for insubordination with pay. The reason is I repented in an email to all the employees of conversations I had had that say the President was unqualified, and I clarified that she is highly qualified and called by God. Heavenly Father, please give me deep humility, lowliness, brokenness, contriteness of heart and complete repentance for this and all other sins. Give me Your strength, wisdom and help to follow the steps laid out for reinstatement. Give me wisdom in how to be completely restored. Lord, once I get reinstated, I will need to immediately repent of gossip and slander regarding 4 others in leadership—which probably spread, so I’ll probably have to send an all-employee email again. Guide me, give me courage, wisdom and the words for that, not cozying up to anyone, not calling out anyone I talked to, making that obscure. Help me to once again face the full and complete consequences, humbly, with my head down. Teach me why I’ve been gossiping and slandering, what the root cause is, and what the solution is, to be absolutely pure, wise, righteous and loving with my tongue in every context and circumstance. Help me study the best Jewish writings on this, and help me write a document to leadership explaining my heart-searching, my analysis, and my solution for how to be absolutely pure and faultless in this. Help me Lord, to also study ‘insubordination’ from every angle, and learn thoroughly how to avoid it and write about that as well. Convict me of all other sins against the ministry or any employees and help me to deeply and completely repent in the wisest way possible and face the consequences. Help me to serve You well there, fully, faithfully, courageously, honorably, righteously, lovingly, wisely and humbly. Amen.
16 people prayed for this request!

Phil Chavez
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen
17 people prayed for this request!

Protection prosperity miracles wisdom freedom, bigs gains, winner's life of bigs gains, chance success healthy healing for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
14 people prayed for this request!

Lolade Ososami
1. The son of one of our members in the prayer team in my church was in an accident and he had a spinal cord injury. He’s been in ICU since Friday. We need a miracle. His name is Seun (pronounced as “Shay-une” ) 2. The travel ban is threatening our kids’ trip home this Christmas. We are praying that the rules are changed in their favor 3. I’m having tooth implants done tomorrow. It’s a major procedure. I need God’s help and protection. Also, I’m not feeling 100% healthwise and I need healing. I’m not even sure if the dentist would carry out the procedure unless I’m 100%… I'm trusting God for a miracle!
17 people prayed for this request!

Angela Hughes
Gracious God, we love you, thank you for your faithfulness, love and mercy. We pray against the spirit of anti Christ,false witness,terrorism,idolatry, sexual immorality, sorcery,leviathan,jezebel,witchcraft,hatred,wars, pestilences, famine,divination and violence. We ask that your people who are called by your name would humble themselves and repent of their sins and that you would forgive our sins and heal our land. We pray that the spirit of darkness be lifted from America and the scales would be lifted from peoples eyes that they may see the truth and be set free. We pray for a return of all people to the fear of the lord and that the ancient foundations of American be not removed. We pray that in all things Lord you will work for the good of those who love you, who have been called according to your purpose. We pray that Jesus Christ guide the minds of those who govern us to promote the common good according to his will and that the leaders of our nation and the world may have the strength to govern wisely the peoples entrusted to them by the Lord. We pray that you would raise up leaders after Christ own loving heart and bring down those who would seek only their own power and glory. Reveal all corruption and let your justice prevail in the earth. Convict the conscience of any person in position of leadership who fail to serve their people faithfully and cause those who are unfit for office to step down. We pray for revival in our hearts and churches that God would rise up sheperds that are spirit filled, speak the truth in love and manifest the gifts of the holy spirit. We pray the Lord Jesus will forgive us for our many sins and grant peace in the land, and that we will lie down and no one will make us afraid. We pray that the Lord would remove wild beasts from our land, and the sword will not pass through our country. Lord Jesus we pray that when the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and healing for all of those affected by the coronavirus. Lord in your loving kindness and tender mercies hear our prayers and let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We give you glory for moving by your spirit and answering our prayers. In Jesus name Amen.
20 people prayed for this request!

A black magic practitioner named Priyanka is causing good people harm. Pray that she can no longer harm us and that we are protected from evil.
15 people prayed for this request!

Seth McAdams
I work at a Christian ministry, but there are 2 people stirring many against me to get me fired. I have worked hard, with integrity and done nothing wrong. Pray that God will confuse and destroy the plans of those who want me fired. Confound and embarrass those bringing accusations. Pray that God will defend my name, my character and my reputation in front of the accusers. Pray for wisdom to prepare my defense, answer every accusation, explain my words and actions, and defend my innocence, with absolute truthfulness, for Christ’s glory alone. Thank you.
22 people prayed for this request!

Daniel Cahill
Hi pastor and all my wonderful COGIC brothers and sisters at Faith Temple !Please say a prayer for me. I am saved yet homeless in NYC at 75 and have no strength left to get done simple things!GOD bless you. brother Danny 11/18/21
20 people prayed for this request!

Phil Chavez
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen
11 people prayed for this request!

Hello, I am requesting prayer for my family to find housing, food and a stable income for my business to open back up. Thank you
11 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST : Concerning the pastor Thieringo : 2021 , 2022 and after : Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country. Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo's life in Jesus name. When I(pastor Thieringo) cry, answer me, God of my justice! When I am in distress, save me! Have pity on me, listen to my prayer!
2 people prayed for this request!

Denise Lantigua
GOD ANSWERED THIS REQUEST! MY NIECE PASSED AND GOT INTO A COUPLE OF THE SCHOOLS SHE WANTED. ==>. (Please pray for my niece, Mikayla Tripp. That she will pass her High School Entry Exam that will take place on Saturday,November 6, 2021.) Thank you.
11 people prayed for this request!

9 people prayed for this request!

Prayer request for Cleopatra Semaganis mental warfare, spiritual warfare, and cancel all karmic debts and clear all karmic debts and clear all soul contracts for her.
10 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for the charity PK to solve the problem and find a safe shelter for 7 cats whose owner has moved to old peoples house. The cats can die, the new homeowner does not want to keep them. There is a short time left. Pray for many home offers for these pets. Thank you.
5 people prayed for this request!

Michael Patterson
Please pray for God's mercy to be with me and my family and for him to surround us with his presence.
245 people prayed for this request!

Phil Chavez
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen
12 people prayed for this request!

Harford Shaffer
My name is Mike Shaffer. My wife and I have been Christians for a number of years. My wife has cancer and we both believe in the power of power and the Blood. Please pray for my wife. I had a massive heart attack three years ago. A Minister friend of the family called and said."Mike, there is going to be a lot of prayers going up for you. I died three times, therefore the belief in the Blood and prayer. God bless all on your team
8 people prayed for this request!

Agnes McKittrick
Please can you Please Pray for My Sons Timothy and Aaron my For God favor of affordable rent apartment in the country of Georgetown Guyana south America Thanks for praying everyone Agnes from MN USA.
10 people prayed for this request!

Alexander Baldwin
Please pray for terry v asking for healing and greater faith and belief in Jesus and asking that the lord restore he faith and belief inJESUS and save her soul
10 people prayed for this request!

Yvette Rivera
Her Health of diabetes and epilepsy.
22 people prayed for this request!

Dee Dee
Can you pray for Khadijah Harden that all strongholds and ungodly soul-ties be broken forever out of her life but most all that she come into salvation.
17 people prayed for this request!

Fredrick Smith- Praying for his salvation and deliverance from Alcoholism, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Anger, Etc... I am interceding for him to totally surrender his life to God and for him to allow himself to be associated with godly and save friends. Positive people who will pray with him and for him! As well as his strength. In Jesus Name
16 people prayed for this request!

Alexander Baldwin
Please pray for julia asking the lord to make a way for her and her children to return to america in JESUS name.
12 people prayed for this request!

Dawn Henbest
I live in a group home please pray I don't lose my house and I'll be in discharged from the group home I'm having difficult getting out of the house and other agencies the supervisor with the group home is having a hard time getting another openings for a female and other agency I don't homes please pray that I get accepted for an open day better bed well open up with another agency that I will be accepted and approved for the next open day for a female please pray that I don't lose my house it'll be discharged from the group home where I'm living these pray I keep my house and to a big female bed will open up as soon as possible I'm afraid of being homeless discharge from you please pray I don't get discharged to a bad opens up that it'll be a better placement for me to live in to get my freedom please pray every Tuesday I get my monthly allowance I get punished like I'm 5 years old 48 years old I've been treated like a child take away my feet and take away my monthly allowance being told me you can do to watch it in the group home staff turning my family against me I'm afraid to lose my family I'm afraid to lose my relationship with my family please pray for my pets my praying mantis pets God will watch over them and protect them people been killing in Harmony God's creatures I raised them for five years to make loving caring pets please pray wherever I move that they will come along with me whatever I move that they will come with me or like oh I don't lose any more of my pets I love them like my little children their God's creatures they were supposed to kill a Han God's preachers their innocent creatures I raise them and they have hash eggs over spring year I love them like they're my pets and it love impacts I'm worried for their safety I'm afraid for them that people will hurt me kill them I have lots of praying mantis killed in the past wherever I went they get killed please pray wherever I wanted that they will come along with me they will be safe and I will be safe too in the new home please pray that God will forgive me my sins that God will have mercy on me that God will save my soul from all myself that God will rest my soul at peace and rest with him no one hold my past the passing sins or washed away and forgiven I am a lost Shepherd need savior I pray that God will save me from all my sins I become a born again Christian that I become safe everyone's children no one will my sense of washed away I'm a sinner and I agreed to be able to send that but I pray crying out for God for Mercy to save my soul to rest for what peace that my sins and won't forgive her that God will save my soul from darkness God will save my soul from all my sins that I get a brand new vaccination soul that I become brand new in God's name but I be reelected from all my sins knowing my sins will forgive her amen ????????
14 people prayed for this request!

My daughter is dealing with COVID and was Rushed into the hospital. Her name is Lana Robinson
16 people prayed for this request!

Prayer for the restoration of Me and My Ex Wife to convict and remove the foolish thinking from her heart for us to get back together, and to fix whatever is going on between us with no walls up between us Our relationship and communication I thought was going really well. I helped her and the kids financially I tried spiritually, but then she turned on me June 17 th What did I do? Whatever I did to her I apologize. Please pray for me also and finances and housing.
18 people prayed for this request!

16 people prayed for this request!

Daniel Cahill
Hi pastor and all my wonderful brothers and sisters at Faith Temple!Please say a prayer for me i am saved yet homeless at 74 in NYC for like 20 years asking prayer for faith and the strength not to give up you really have to laugh to keep from crying!GOD richly bless you brother Danny 7/28/21
16 people prayed for this request!

Aretta Williams
I desperately need someone to lift me up in prayer please. I have been battling in the spiritual realm with the Word of God and prayer for some time now. I truly had been delivered through the Word of God and prayer and I was doing great! However, recently my oldest son died and it took me by surprise and really broke my heart. As I begin to cry, my crying overwhelmed me and begin to consume me, it was at that moment my weakest hour that the enemy came back in, this witch who my husband saw and heard when he touched me one night to pray for me. I don't know if it is a generational curse or what but it just persist. I hear this witches voice in my head saying all types of negative things through the day and over into the night. I now know from now on to watch my emotional state and the things that I carry in my heart and to always be vigilant. Would you please take a little time to lift me up in prayer? Each time someone prays for me I get stronger. I really want to be delivered! Thank You! Aretta Williams
19 people prayed for this request!

Magdalena Lovejoy
Deliver Magdalena Lovejoy and Seraphina from Gwenivere demon and Knights of the round table and from Free Masons demons and from Elisabeth demon and Catherine demons. Pray for personality deveolpmemt for Eleda Kamphuijs and gods truth and freedom from monarchy and patriarchy. pray for restful nights no nightmares and deeper sleep and solitude. Pray for world peace prayer for Jhana Badawi and Yousra Shilouki for peace and Drop all weapons of conflict against Magdalena. Send Colin and Ian MacCormack away from me and break our soul ties and pray our soul contracts are complete. Pray Anna is truly happy and free from phobia.
8 people prayed for this request!

Dawn Henbest
Please pray I don't not lose my house ?? because I am on the contract and I am on the waiting list for other agencies and I get my allowance every Tuesday to feed my pets and I don't not lose my family and my house l am living in a group home and the staff against me and there are be against me and the staff needs to back off and I can spend time with my family and go over night with my family and I don't lose my house in the group home please pray and the staff is trying to make me look bad and be treated my house and my family is turning against me and my family is a punish me and my family is turning against me l am very afraid of being homeless in the streets and my family is is listed to the stuff in the group home and my family is believing every thin there are said against me and my family needs to stay by my side and stop believing everything the supervisor is trying to put me out of the house and I am being blamed for everything l do not do in the group home please pray that my family will speak up for me and stop believing everything there are said against me and I will be on the waiting list for other agencies for other house and not be trun down for other agencies that other agencies will accept me and have a open up bed in the future and my family will support me when I am in trouble and stay by my side and the staff against me stop treating me and I can get off the contract against me to lose my house and my family and prayers for my pets praying mantis pets stay in good health people stop killing them and hurt them and were even l moved to that my pets praying mantis come with me to my new house and I don't not lose no more of my pets praying mantis pets and God will protect them and God will protect me from losing my house and my family and not lose my pets praying mantis and God will save my soul from all of my sins and God will for giving me all of my sins and l will be at peace with God and heaven and my family and I can be come saved ????????
4 people prayed for this request!

Claudio Gómez
PRAYER FOR AMERICA GUANUCO (WIFE) EMOTIONAL AND FAMILY RESTORATION; Break of generational curses on the life of AMERICA GUANUCO. Finding a child for adoption at birth when he was a minor FINANCE: Opening of new job and business opportunities, debt cancellation, acquired commitments. Collection of monies owed RELATIONS Withdrawal from unwelcome and bad people who are not a blessing to their lives HEALTH Restoration of the female reproductive system, glandular system, biological clock, cancer RELEASE DELIVERANCE Breaking of generational curses, ties and ties imposed on the Andes Mountains, Quebrada de Sama, Quebrada de San Lorenzo, Camino de cornisa Salta Jujuy, Yungas in Bolivia, Valles Calchaquíes Bindings that prevent them from reaching their blessing Bindings imposed by immediate family Claudio Gómez Salta Argentina
14 people prayed for this request!

For dorinda
4 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST : Concerning the pastor Thieringo : 2021 and after : Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country. Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo's life in Jesus name. (Please see previous post for the rest of this request.)
5 people prayed for this request!

My Son and his wife got married just 1.5 years back. They both are living together. They had an happy life. We all the four are living together in Qatar. Girl’s parents are residing in Oman ( Muscat ) Suddenly her parents needs an divorce . Please pray for her to live peacefully in our house. Even though she is having PCO’s she is taking an treatment. Just pray for her
6 people prayed for this request!

My Mom is praying for me and for me to find a good church family. I am broken, some days I wish for the worst things because I lost my child, my daughter passed of her own accord. It is killing me and because her ex-husband has taken every evil effort to fight us and keeps my grandbabies away with lies and wrongs to the court system and won. This just destroyed my daughter Christina in losing her babies and now it is destroying me. I need support in fighting against his lies to win my grandbabies back to our family please. I need cleansing from guilt and shame, I can't stop blaming myself and wishing to redo and have second chances to 'fix it'. It just feels like just too, too much to bear and I'm frozen and not able to move and do.
10 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER FOR AMERICA GUANUCO (WIFE) EMOTIONAL AND FAMILY RESTORATION; Break of generational curses on the life of AMERICA GUANUCO. Finding a child for adoption at birth when he was a minor FINANCE: Opening of new job and business opportunities, debt cancellation, acquired commitments. Collection of monies owed RELATIONS Withdrawal from unwelcome and bad people who are not a blessing to their lives HEALTH Restoration of the female reproductive system, glandular system, biological clock, cancer RELEASE DELIVERANCE Breaking of generational curses, ties and ties imposed on the Andes Mountains, Quebrada de Sama, Quebrada de San Lorenzo, Camino de cornisa Salta Jujuy, Yungas in Bolivia, Valles Calchaquíes Bindings that prevent them from reaching their blessing Bindings imposed by immediate family. Claudio Gómez Salta Argentina
8 people prayed for this request!

Prayer for Manuel Emilio rincón. he has Lung and Heart failure. To touch his body and let him receive Salvation in his latter days.
9 people prayed for this request!

My baby girl is in the NICU. She’s only 2 lbs, and has been infected by NICU NEC a stomach infection. It has infected her bowel, and they said it’s critical. I have asked that they do everything to keep her alive. Her heart is beating normal, but she’s intubated and sedated. So she’s not breathing on her own. She’s going to the O.R this morning, so they can save what’s left of her bowel and remove what’s not healthy. They want to relieve the pressure from her abdomen so that her lungs can do its work.
139 people prayed for this request!

Renee Howard
I'm asking for deliverance from demonic oppression for past new age involvement, which I have renounced. I need and am asking for a lot of prayers of petition to God to move in my life and deliver me. I have been suffering greatly both physically and mentally. Also, if you could send my prayer to other churches, intercessors, prayer chains, could you also forward this message over to them and turn this into a prayer chain. Thank you so much for all prayers!
15 people prayed for this request!

Denise Lantigua
IMMEDIATE healing for Stafford Francis. The doctor's report does not look good, BUT WE WILL BELIEVE THE REPORT OF THE LORD...HEALING AND VICTORY
10 people prayed for this request!

Alexsandra P
Please pray for my health and healing. I haven't been feeling well lately and it is starting to worry me.
10 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST : Concerning the pastor Thieringo : 2021 and after : Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country. Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo's life in Jesus name. When I(pastor Thieringo) cry, answer me, God of my justice! When I am in distress, save me! Have pity on me, listen to my prayer! Sons of men, how long will my glory be outraged? How long will you love vanity, will you seek lies? Know that Jehovah has chosen a godly man; The Lord hears when I cry to him. Tremble, and sin not; Speak in your hearts on your bed, then shut up. Offer sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the LORD. Many say, Who will make us see happiness? Bring on us the light of your face, O LORD! You put in my heart more joy than they have when their wheat and their must abound. I go to bed and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD! you give me security in my home. Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me. Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help. Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the Lord chase them.Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the Lord persecute them.For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul. Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruction let him fall. And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord: it shall rejoice in his salvation.All my bones shall say, Lord, who is like unto thee, which deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him? False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not.They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul. But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom. I behaved myself as though he had been my friend or brother: I bowed down heavily, as one that mourneth for his mother. But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together: yea, the abjects gathered themselves together against me, and I knew it not; they did tear me, and ceased not: With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth. Lord, how long wilt thou look on? rescue my soul from their destructions, my darling from the lions. I will give thee thanks in the great congregation: I will praise thee among much people. Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: neither let them wink with the eye that hate me w
7 people prayed for this request!

Dee Dee
I'm asking that you pray for Khadijah Harden that she be separated and remove from Lawrence Lettley and Teresa Glivens forever because Lawrence and Teresa are demonic filled and they believe in witchcraft strongly. They got demonic strongholds and demonic infuence over Khadijah life especially her mind and she need to be delivered from them for good.
6 people prayed for this request!

Erma King
Hi my name is Erma Jean King. My husband Paul Edward Robinson Jr of 9 years divorced on 11/17/2020. I am praying for restoration of our marriage and our marriage be stronger than it ever been. I am praying the God remove all people, places and things that will keep us apart. I am praying that all negative influences will cease to exist and we look to God to mend out brokenness in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth Amen
7 people prayed for this request!

Lisa M
Please pray with me as I continue Praying over my daughter Hannah for a sudden and abundant restoration of her relationship with Caleb, complete healing of their hearts and a second chance to have a lifelong, God-centered relationship. In Jesus name!
16 people prayed for this request!

Sathish Guru
Pray for miracle.
4 people prayed for this request!

My prayer request is that the number of men attending new hope church increases by over 100 percent. I pray also that the number of young people increases by over 100 percent. I pray that more young people attend church. I pray that more ex cons attend church also regularly. I pray that more young people pray regularly.
12 people prayed for this request!

my prayer request is that God takes away this anxious spirit from me. I pray that he makes me calm and confident. I pray that I do not lose anymore of my precious money in the stock exchange. I pray that God gives me a 50 percent or more increase on my yearly income. I pray that God gives me some friends who are loving, kind, supportive, friendly, generous, wise, dependable, hard working. I thank God for housing, clothing, food, medication, healthcare, transportation. I thank God for his loving kindness and tender mercy. Great is the Lord and Greatly to be praised.
10 people prayed for this request!

Protection prosperity miracles health wisdom freedom, succès chance, bigs gains, winer life of bigs gains,
6 people prayed for this request!

Protection prosperity miracles health wisdom freedom, bigs gains, succès chance, for Pastor thieringo in Jesus name
8 people prayed for this request!

Please pray peace and protection over my brother. I ask for physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental healing and restoration. Let him be restored to Jesus above all. Please also pray for our family. We remain so stressed out. And please pray a binding of the fear, doubt, guilt, helplessness, and hopelessness that Satan is trying to plant. Let none of his lies take root. I pray victory in Jesus! And I pray that my brother is the loudest voice in testifying of God's grace and mercy.
11 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for me. Father God in Jesus name and blood I come before your throne. Because in my own name. I am not known. And in my own blood. I am not worthy. I have failed You again. I am sorry. Please forgive all my sins, debts, and mistakes against You God please have mercy upon me. I ask that myself, my wife, and our family are saved and live lives that make You happy. I pray You help me find a good job to support my family.Help us find a good place to live. I pray my wife A is never unfaithful and I am more patient and more trusting with her. And that we are together forever now and forever. I ask that I stop being so insecure. And please help us not sin. But be good people. By Your kindness. Please bless me and restore my youth and the all of blessings that the enemy, the world, and my own sin has robbed from me. And please bless me with the other blessings I have asked like protecting my family my wife and myself and the other things You know I have asked. I also pray that my wife and our family and I: think, believe, do, say, and be all You want us to: think, believe, do, say, and be. And I pray I receive all You have promised me by Your grace and mercy.I pray that all these things are given to honor and please my mother and father. So that believers can be encouraged. So that non believers can believe, and a witness against them if they never do. To discourage Your enemies God. And strengthen Your heavenly host. I pray I can use these gifts to uplift and help those around me. And I pray that it can glorify You in all things. All by Your grace and mercy even now and forever may it be given and kept. . Thankyou God. Amen
6 people prayed for this request!

Pray for my faith in God. May God give me his mind.
8 people prayed for this request!

Daniel Cahill
Hi pastor and all my wonderful brothers and sisters at Faith Temple!Please say a prayer for me!Saved yet homeless sleeping under a bridge at 74!When i get to the library and see someone is praying for me it makes me so happy and not so lonely!GOD bless you brother Danny 4/22/21
15 people prayed for this request!

My father is in hospital and doctors said he has delarium. He has been in it for a couple of weeks.
17 people prayed for this request!

Angela Hughes
Gracious God, we love you, thank you your faithfulness, love and mercy. We pray against the spirit of anti Christ,false witness,terrorism,idolatry, sexual immorality, sorcery,leviathan,jezebel,witchcraft,hatred,wars, pestilences, famine,divination and violence. We ask that your people who are called by your name would humble themselves and repent of their sins and that you would forgive our sins and heal our land. We pray that the spirit of darkness be lifted from America and the scales would be lifted from peoples eyes that they may see the truth and be set free. We pray for a return of all people to the fear of the lord and that the ancient foundations of American be not removed. We pray that in all things Lord you will work for the good of those who love you, who have been called according to your purpose. We pray that Jesus Christ guide the minds of those who govern us to promote the common good according to his will and that the leaders of our nation and the world may have the strength to govern wisely the peoples entrusted to them by the Lord. We pray that you would raise up leaders after Christ own loving heart and bring down those who would seek only their own power and glory. Reveal all corruption and let your justice prevail in the earth. Convict the conscience of any person in position of leadership who fail to serve their people faithfully and cause those who are unfit for office to step down. We pray for revival in our hearts and churches that God would rise up sheperds that are spirit filled, speak the truth in love and manifest the gifts of the holy spirit. We pray the Lord Jesus will grant peace in the land, and we will lie down and no one will make you afraid. We pray that the Lord would remove wild beasts from our land, and the sword will not pass through our country. Lord Jesus we pray that when the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and healing for all of those affected by the coronavirus. Lord in your loving kindness and tender mercies hear our prayers and let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We give you glory for moving by your spirit and answering our prayers. In Jesus name Amen.
3 people prayed for this request!

Pray that Jesus Christ will save Sathish from all evil, change heart and mind so they can serve the Lord.
6 people prayed for this request!

Avianna Lemonier
Please pray for my spiritual health as a Christian. In the past, I was involved in witchcraft, the occult and other new age practices. I have since given my life back to Jesus Christ, however, I am still dealing with the after effects of my time in this lifestyle. I have trouble making decisions, praying and I also have trouble truly accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ within my heart. I also have trouble with delusional thoughts. Every day is a battle. I experience constant spiritual attacks. This has led to me suffering from OCD because when I fail to do things the "right way", the attacks intensify which has caused me a great deal of anxiety. I also suffer from experiencing physical sensations related to the attacks. These physical sensations follow me throughout the day. It is very difficult for me to live a normal and healthy life because of all these things. Please pray that my life will be completely restored and that my mind will be completely healed. Thank you.
8 people prayed for this request!

Dee Dee
I'm asking for prayer for Khadijah Harden; pray for her salvation. Pray that she'll accept and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
9 people prayed for this request!

Please pray that i find a place to stay before its too late pray that my income comes in time also for my health problems and that i find my wallet also that i sell all the furniture in the house also that i find someone to love me for me and have a family of my own and a car
5 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for me. Father God in Jesus name and blood I come before your throne. Because in my own name. I am not known. And in my own blood. I am not worthy. I have failed You again. I am sorry. Please forgive all my sins, debts, and mistakes against You God please have mercy upon me. I ask that myself, my wife, and our family are saved and live lives that make You happy. I pray You help me find a good job to support my family.Help us find a good place to live. I pray my wife A is never unfaithful and I am more patient and more trusting with her. And that we are together forever now and forever. I ask that I stop being so insecure. And please help us not sin. But be good people. By Your kindness. Please bless me and restore my youth and the all of blessings that the enemy, the world, and my own sin has robbed from me. And please bless me with the other blessings I have asked like protecting my family my wife and myself and the other things You know I have asked. I also pray that my wife and our family and I: think, believe, do, say, and be all You want us to: think, believe, do, say, and be. And I pray I receive all You have promised me by Your grace and mercy.I pray that all these things are given to honor and please my mother and father. So that believers can be encouraged. So that non believers can believe, and a witness against them if they never do. To discourage Your enemies God. And strengthen Your heavenly host. I pray I can use these gifts to uplift and help those around me. And I pray that it can glorify You in all things. All by Your grace and mercy even now and forever may it be given and kept. . Thankyou God. Amen
3 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST : Concerning the pastor Thieringo : 2021 and after : Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country. Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo's life in Jesus name. When I(pastor Thieringo) cry, answer me, God of my justice! When I am in distress, save me! Have pity on me, listen to my prayer! Sons of men, how long will my glory be outraged? How long will you love vanity, will you seek lies? Know that Jehovah has chosen a godly man; The Lord hears when I cry to him. Tremble, and sin not; Speak in your hearts on your bed, then shut up. Offer sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the LORD. Many say, Who will make us see happiness? Bring on us the light of your face, O LORD! You put in my heart more joy than they have when their wheat and their must abound. I go to bed and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD! you give me security in my home. Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me. Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help. Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the Lord chase them.Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the Lord persecute them.For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul. Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruction let him fall. And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord: it shall rejoice in his salvation.All my bones shall say, Lord, who is like unto thee, which deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him? False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not.They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul. But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom. I behaved myself as though he had been my friend or brother: I bowed down heavily, as one that mourneth for his mother. But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together: yea, the abjects gathered themselves together against me, and I knew it not; they did tear me, and ceased not: With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth. Lord, how long wilt thou look on? rescue my soul from their destructions, my darling from the lions. I will give thee thanks in the great congregation: I will praise thee among much people. Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: neither let them wink with the eye that hate me w
2 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for God to --IMMEDIATELY INTERVENE-- in the life of CYNTHIA C. . That she would receive Divine Wisdom and Godly Guidance in her life and Peace, Restoration, Purpose and Joy. Please pray that God would strongly remove whatever or whomever has not been sent by God to her.
8 people prayed for this request!

Daniel Cahill
Hi pastor and all my wonderful COGIC brothers and sisters at Faith Temple!Please say a prayer for me saved yet homeless at 74 sleeping under a bridge at night the only thing that keeps me from losing it is your prayers are carrying me!GOD richly bless you brother Danny 4/7/21
8 people prayed for this request!

Dee Dee
I'm asking for prayer for Khadijah Harden; pray for her salvation. Pray that she'll accept and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
14 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER request Protection prosperity miracles freedom finances, bigs gains, wisdom heathy Succès chance, winer's life of bigs gains, for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
11 people prayed for this request!

shereese clark
i need money to pay bills
12 people prayed for this request!

Prayer for sister Jeanne healing in her body in Jesus Name. Prayer for Rev Judy's Step Mother healing favor. Prayer for Demtra Bolar for favor blessings and provision. Prayer for Patty & stephane who has covid. Prayer for Rev Leighs mom. Prayer for The Nation for Peace, prayer for The President and The Congress! Prayer for Reverend Benson's Job for favor blessings and promotion. Prayer for Reverend Benson every need supplied in Jesus Name! Prayer for Ted Williams who just a cancer diagnosis, he needs healing and favor! Please pray for Sister Jojo healing in her body . Please prayer for deliverance for Deacon Bo, Sister Lavonnis, sister Alyce in Jesus Name! Prayer for Reverend Leighs Job and mean co-workers who keep mistreating her. Prayer for Royce, He has been through a lot but The Lord brought him out! He still needs full deliverance, disintegration, implosion of every evil plot, and the favor of God to rest upon his life (Isaiah 54:17). Most of all right now he needs a job or income to succeed in Jesus name! Pray that God would send warring angels to defeat and remove any demonic force against this brothers destiny. Pray that Gods hand would be upon them and give them increase in every way, including a good job and finance, and provisions. Prayer for housing and the right location to live in. Also for income suitable for every dream and vision God has given him. Prayer for those whom he has to interface with. Prayer for God to grant him, complete peace, strength, wisdom, healing and fill him with the Holy Spirit and be made whole & set free. Pray also pray that God will continue to supply their every need and show favor, according to his riches in Glory. That God would clearly show his path and will for this brothers life, and everything he touches will be anointed by God, including him. Prayer against any disease agent living in his body to be healed in Jesus Name. Prayer for the books and CD’s that are being birthed out of this experience, that they will bless everyone and the funds will be there to produce these items. Pray for the people and churches connected to his life to be blessed and be a blessing. Pray that God would order his steps, and clearly and fill him with the Holy Spirit and Fire! Also pray for his children and family to be protected and blessed with the favor of God and financial provision, and to be saved and in church. Prayer for the funds for medical and dental coverage to happen soon. Prayer for the 3 businesses and the 501c3 outreach ministry would be birthed in Jesus Name. Lastly, pray for God’s protection and favor to be upon his life! Prayer that he would refuse to wear the garment of anger, bitterness, frustration, pain, or shame. Prayer for new beginnings and fresh starts in Jesus Name, prayer that God would break every stronghold and plot of the enemy against his family and friends. Prayer that the eyes of his understanding be open in Jesus Name. Prayer that every fruit of the spirit be in and a part of this br
6 people prayed for this request!

pray for my encouragement.
7 people prayed for this request!

bs s
i ask that i can earn $243 million dollars yearly & give $55 million dollars to the church. i ask that i can fear God & i have a good name in every areas in whole life. and i will not be extortion by gang members.
7 people prayed for this request!

K P Prasad
My name is K P Prasad my daughter Lekhamol 40 years old admitted in hospital due to blood clotting in brain Doctor says because she is unconscious now they can't do any surgery doctor says 24 hours only Pls pray for her recovery
10 people prayed for this request!

Grace Makombe
Please pray for healing for my mother Ellen Jonga,she was admitted to hospital where doctors diagnosed her with pneumonia,and low sodium.My mother is very weak.Father God stretch out your healing to my mother in her hospital bed.father God im pleading before your throne to please touch my mother's,lungs father touch my mothers backpain every pain,every sickness every infection every damage cell in my mother's body.Jehova Rapha(Our Healer) please restore my mother's body back to health in the mighty name of Jesus.Father God I'm pleading before you to please let my mother live and not die.God please be with the doctors and nurses,Father God give them knowledge to help my mother,My God please remove all infirmity from my mother.Father God i ask this all In the mighty name of Jesus.Doctors informed me today that they suspect lung cancer,Father God I take authority over any cancer cells and tumours in my mother's body and o say ,You cancer cells leave my mother's body right now in the name of Jesus,My mother's body don't belong to you ,,My mother's body belong to Jesus,Father God please take authority over my mother's body , please heal my mother in the mighty name of Jesus.Father God keep the Angel of death away from my mother in the mighty name of Jesus.My mother will live and not Die i declare this in the mighty name of jesus
8 people prayed for this request!

Protection prosperity miracles freedom finances,bigs gains, wisdom heathy Succès chance , winer's life of bigs gains, for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
11 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for Joseph Haokip that the Spirit of God would change his desire to leave home and make him stay joyfully at home to do God’s will .Pray that God would bless him with self-control to stay at home. He needs good job and best life partner to make him change his mind. His parents cannot do anything but cry unto the Lord to seek God’s Spirit to come upon him so that his mind would be changed and he would stay at Home to live and work according to God’s plan and purpose. This Prayer request is very urgent and important. I believe that God would do the needful within 24 hours from now to make him change his mind to stay at home.
6 people prayed for this request!

Prayer against being ostracized at work and continuously talked about by my colleagues and supervisors continually treated unfairly by a certain supervisor who doesn’t like me and has been retaliating against me for months now and tarnished my name throughout the work place. Prejudiced by colleagues and supervisors who don’t even know me but believe the lies told about me. Prayer over living in constant fear of the supervisors at work purposely putting me in danger and causing me great stress and the injustice at work.
8 people prayed for this request!

Sid Nelson
Prayer for healing from hip pain right side due to a fall.Thank you and God bless you.Sid.
10 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER request Protection prosperity miracles freedom finances,bigs gains, wisdom heathy Succès chance, winer's life of bigs gains, for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
7 people prayed for this request!

Phil Chavez
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and blood pressure issues. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine, in Jesus’ name. Pray for the removal of debt regarding Lorraine, in Jesus’ name. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and become newer each day. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve and aunt Jackie
10 people prayed for this request!

prayer request for deliverance for homosexual demons for George Alan O'Dowd and pray he has healing cup from Jesus and deliverance from incubus and succubus.
8 people prayed for this request!

Pray for brain.
6 people prayed for this request!

Protection prosperity miracles freedom finances, bigs gains, wisdom heathy Succès chance, winer's life of bigs gains, for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
8 people prayed for this request!

I have diabetes, glaucoma, high and low blood pressure, high cholesterol, anxiety, depression. I'm on dialysis, pray for the after effects.Tiredness, weakness in both legs, no energy, no balance all over my body, dizziness, shortness of breath, poor circulation in both legs, pain in right knee, arms,legs. I have an open wound on the bottom of my left foot. Pray that God has all ready healed my foot.
14 people prayed for this request!

Michael Scholl
God show my General Manager now the backbiters, slanderers, liars, trouble makers between the GM and myself. God give courage to my GM to no longer trust these troublemakers and to invest more time with me daily. GM to see Jesus in me, her salvation, healing, see the best in me now and always.
8 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST : Concerning the pastor Thieringo : 2021 and after : Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country. Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo's life in Jesus name. When I(pastor Thieringo) cry, answer me, God of my justice! When I am in distress, save me! Have pity on me, listen to my prayer! Sons of men, how long will my glory be outraged? How long will you love vanity, will you seek lies? Know that Jehovah has chosen a godly man; The Lord hears when I cry to him. Tremble, and sin not; Speak in your hearts on your bed, then shut up. Offer sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the LORD. Many say, Who will make us see happiness? Bring on us the light of your face, O LORD! You put in my heart more joy than they have when their wheat and their must abound. I go to bed and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD! you give me security in my home. Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me. Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help. Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the Lord chase them.Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the Lord persecute them.For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul. Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruction let him fall. And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord: it shall rejoice in his salvation.All my bones shall say, Lord, who is like unto thee, which deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him? False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not.They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul. But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom. I behaved myself as though he had been my friend or brother: I bowed down heavily, as one that mourneth for his mother. But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together: yea, the abjects gathered themselves together against me, and I knew it not; they did tear me, and ceased not: With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth. Lord, how long wilt thou look on? rescue my soul from their destructions, my darling from the lions. I will give thee thanks in the great congregation: I will praise thee among much people. Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: neither let them wink with the eye that hate me w
4 people prayed for this request!

Please pray my friend forgives me. She is not talking to me now and and I feel terrible. Pray that she receives my apology. I love her deeply and would never intentionally hurt her, but she is understandably feeling devastated by my actions. God please heal the pain I caused her. Guide me in what to do each step. Fill both of us with compassion for each other. Please restore our friendship. God please give me strength and hope, you know how isolated I am right now and how much I miss her.
4 people prayed for this request!

Renuka de silva 63 a 1 Kudahakapola north Ja ela Sri Lanka Dear Rev.Pastor, I am a Christian and mother of 2 sons.Since 18 years I am struggling with Family and Financial troubles.My Husband has a Affair with woman since many years.He doesn’t care me and spending lot of Money for other women.He is harresing me.He doesn’t give me enough money to buy food and pay bills. He is always going after Witches and Black Magicans. He has done lot of Witchcraft ageinst me and now I am sick.I am suffering with Diabetes,Asthma,Kidney Protineuria and Arthritics. Some days I have lot of obstacles to pray and go to Church .Some day’s I cannot sleep.I have to take sleeping tablets.Pastor I have lot of difficulties to walk now because of Arthritis.My both feet are painful and swollen.I can’t walk even 3 steps.My Feet are painful.I went to lot of Doctors to get treatment but still I am suffering lot. My Husband s name is Boniface.He Is a Heartless man.He doesn’t alove to visit my Parents and he always haressing me. Please Pastor pray for me in your Fasting Prayer Service and Healing Service .Please pray for end my Sufferings.Please pray for end my Husband’s evil work against me and he will give me enough money to buy food.Please send me a reply.Thank you.God bless you.
5 people prayed for this request!

Swaroop Purani
Dear Lord Pease direct me and my family to our perfect church or holy temple so we can take Baptism in the name of our LordGod. In the holy name and holy truth of lord Jesus Christ. Amen...Amen...Amen.
4 people prayed for this request!

Daniel Cahill
Hi pastor and all my COGIC brothers and sisters at Faith TempleI am saved at age 74 yet homeless sleeping under a highway bridge please say arayer for me it is so rough right now i feel like crying!GOD richly bless you brother Danny 3/8/21
5 people prayed for this request!

Michael Scholl
God vindicate me at work, protect me, expose the corruption, expose the backstabbing slander lies troublemaking of Danielle to the General Manager. God provide me daily sales to keep in good standing. God show me favor peace cooperation pleasant customers in need of vehicles now easy approvals daily for me to His honor and glory in my life. Restore the General Manager and me more time together being mentored and helped by the General manger and favor from the General manager, restoration with us.
2 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for my grandmother! She is 75 years old and has been diagnosed with COVID for a couple of weeks now and has not been doing well. Her oxygen levels are decreasing, she is feeling weak, and isn’t eating nor drinking. She has no health concerns and isn’t getting better on her own. Please please please help me pray for her. Thank you so much!
3 people prayed for this request!

Swaroop Purani
Dear Lord my God, I am praying for total deliverence from all evil and demonic hearing voices. I have multiple hearing voices for last 10 years. I have 100% rejected these all hearing voices. I have 100% rejected all other Gods also. I have accepted Jesus as my God and my only savior. Lord I want to get rid of all hearing voices. they are projecting lust inside me. Lord I want total deliverance from all kind of hearing voices including deities, spirits and other supernatural powers. Lord they MUST NOT project their faces inside my body mind heart soul spirit. I pray in the holy name and holy truth of lord jesus christ. Amen...Amen...Amen.
1 person prayed for this request.

Protection prosperity miracles freedom finances, bigs gains, wisdom heathy Succès chance, winer's life of bigs gains, for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
2 people prayed for this request!

Ana Maria Cruz
Need urgent chain of prayers for my Stepfather Angel G Rosado He’s in ICU fighting for his life started with a corona virus now has pneumonia and kidney failure and was informed his heart is getting weak he’s started in dialysis kidneys aren’t getting any better ??. My stepfather has been in a relationship with my mother Luz Minerva Camacho Carrasquillo for 40 years she’s a cancer patient and has arthritis and kidney problems she’s taking this very hard please I’m asking you to please pray for a quick recovery and healing for the both of them and for gods to do a miracle please pray for the rest of my family Cianny Celest Sanchez Cruz she’s in the military pray for protection and blessings Olivia Palmer Sanchez, Eliana Sanchez Cruz was abused by a teacher at a Christian school and bullied and touched inappropriately by two boys when she was 4 years old. She’s nine years old and she’s currently on medication to control her nightmares please pray for healing health and protection blessings. Pray for Jamie Rohrbaugh Savanna Sanchez Cruz is in the military please pray for her protection and blessings. Shareem Jenkins was in the military struggles with anger please pray for his healing, breakthrough, peace, happiness and blessings upon his life, Prayer for blessings and protection divine favor upon Shareem’s children Shareem JenkinsJr,Sanchez Gianny Jenkins Sanchez, Pray for Katerina Quinones Cruz she has chronic asthma pray for healing, health, and protection, Jonathan Davila suffers from seizures, pray for healing, health, protection, blessings, breakthrough, Pray for Jonathan’s children’s blessings and protection Adrian Davila, Camilla Davila, Clarissa Davila,  Please pray for Elvis Sanchez Robles he has heart problems and trouble breathing and other health problems, he faints constantly pray for healing, health, protection, blessings, breakthrough, peace, Please pray for Sylvia Adame has colon cancer, Please pray for Carmen Ines Camacho Carrasquillo has pancreatic cancer, Please pray for Blanca Iris Camacho Carrasquillo going in for surgery soon because she’s bleeding internally. Pray for Ana Maria Cruz Camacho who is struggling with financial problems since covid 19 started pray for a breakthrough in her life a d for blessings, peace, happiness and divine favor, Pray for Juan Jose Robles Camacho who has diabetes and it’s getting progressively worse pray for healing, health, protection, Pray Javier Luis Robles Negron lives in a dangerous city pray for his protection and blessings divine favor.
9 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for my husband David in Turkey. He is facing a legal issue that he did not committed. Pray that God will intercede and help him so he can come home and reunite with his loved one. I trust and have faith God will move His hand. Thank you
10 people prayed for this request!

Swaroop Purani
Dear Lord Jesus , Please help me. If I MUST have to leave my current house and go to Toronto or Perth. Please help me fully to accomplish my task. My body is in still condition and i cannot move least at my current house. please put me on correct place according to your direction. in the name of lord jesus christ. Amen .
7 people prayed for this request!

Janice Lim
My fiance Kevin has been detained for investigation since Christmas. I have no news of him since Christmas. Please pray for God’s mercy to be with my fiance such that they will complete the investigation, close the case & let him go home so that we can be together again. His teenage daughter is still waiting for him to go home to be with her. My fiance’s daughter has already lost her mother at 3 years old. She needs my fiance.. Pray for God’s mercy and intervention So that the investigation will end soon. My fiance needs God’s mercy to deliver him. My fiance needs God’s deliverance at this Crisis. I commit my fiance into God’s hands for protection.
5 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST : Concerning the pastor Thieringo : 2021 and after : Please continue to pray his prior request ... See Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country. Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo's life in Jesus name....
4 people prayed for this request!

Janice Lim
Prayer Request: My fiance kevin from USA and I love each other very much but we have been separated because my fiance has been detained for investigation since Christmas. I have no news of him since Christmas. Please pray for God’s mercy to be with my fiance such that they will complete the investigation, close the case & let him go home so that we can be together again. His teenage daughter is still waiting for him to go home to be with her. My fiance’s daughter has already lost her mother at 3 years old. She needs my fiance.. Pray for God’s mercy and intervention So that the investigation will end soon. My fiance needs God’s mercy to deliver him. My fiance needs God’s mercy and deliverance at this Crisis. I commit my fiance into God’s hands for protection and deliverance..
4 people prayed for this request!

William Skasick
Please pray for my 38 yr old son Billy he's addicted to alcohol just got his 3rd dwi bi-polar lost job bad anxiety and depression has a March 23rd and April 6th court dates for last 2 DWI'S pray for favorable outcomes psych dr put him on Vivitrol to control drinking has had some relapses pray for God's deliverance from alcohol
8 people prayed for this request!

john swan
Pray for Brianna Mureno to be healed and get. out coma in Jesus name. Also pray for Tyleah to go home shes 13 and need to be saved. Pray for Charity and Chana for deliverance and repentance also john swan3. Pray for revival in Swan family Coopers as well
6 people prayed for this request!

i m from INDIA .i want to earn Rs 3 lakhs to 5 lakhs every months.Govt must give us arrear about 15 lakhs on march. i want to get lottery win rs 80 lakhs this month to march 2021
3 people prayed for this request!

Hello I am missionary have 2 court cases, if can pray debt eliminated and nothing pay innocent Bankruptcy case march 1 Employee stole from me and french wicked laws give employee rights She only worked 3 hours they want me to pay her 16000 Euros Case 2 Usa Case be dismissed nothing pay, guiltless For God not tolerate injustice earth For success trading, big account, as no income, poor old parents help me with rent. For success with women as all say no,no girlfriend for years, for respect, Satan pushes people to hate me For family saved suzan jack billy thank you FABIEN wwww.earthlastday.com Television chretienne Francais livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0z8PGuWPcA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sG5c9xoSlg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUzdPPckJOw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mv9qdgEK3nA How to heal every diseases? Must watch How can we really treat sickness? What was hypocrates? Hypocrates was a hygienist Harvey Kellogg also Is the health of your patients important enough to take some time to study, watch few videos with open and unbiased  heart and find the truth that can save many lives? Yes It is true, medicine has become chemical since a few years . God never put medicine in the garden of eden. Why? Because his made all remedies for every sickness in nature . How can we really treat sickness ? Only 2 things mainly cause sickness 1 no elimination 2 not enough nutrients 1 no elimination is the cause of most diseases, cleaning up the body will eliminate most diseases 2 adding great amounts of nutrients, will also heal most diseases Which is the easiest way to do this ? Juicing Why does this not seem to work ? it's because when using natural remedies most people  1 don't take enough of the remedy 2 are not disciplined to take it long enough for healing to occur Some remedies we need to be careful how much we take Who are the real doctors ? 1 hygienists 2 herbalists 3 orthomolecular medicine How can you educare yourself on real medicine and real healing  God gave us? Is it intelligent to watch all videos? Yes Dr Roger Sebault Covid healing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ha2mLz-Xdpg Dr Richard Cheng Covid healing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNwDY5WuCdc Juicing vale https://youtu.be/Aaxa7rxEbyk Dr john christofer seminar https://youtu.be/crUuXShm19Y Fat sick almost dead https://youtu.be/V-WUP5psyuM Food choices https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wl9S3Wszw0A A world without cancer https://youtu.be/tPADSv3XAv0 Dr andrew saul https://youtu.be/zuLPvzgTWJ8 Dr schulze https://youtu.be/d2ndU6EtokQ Dr fung diabetes https://youtu.be/1a2Fsfa8e4I Dr Fung obesity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ba6yDuqb-Vw Dr Fung fasting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nJgHBbEgsE Dr abram hoffer https://youtu.be/PH1_v0zh_gk Dr joe wallach https://youtu.be/n3--PngOci0 Dr berg https://youtu.be/CHti0kmEL0M Dr axe https://youtu.be/xcqL6
1 person prayed for this request.

Protection prosperity miracles finances wisdom freedom heathy Succès chance for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
2 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER request Protection prosperity miracles freedom finances wisdom heathy Succès chance for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
2 people prayed for this request!

Let me fight for money and progress and peace.
3 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST : Concerning the pastor Thieringo : Posted a prayer request on Feb. 4. Please continue to pray for this prayer request.
7 people prayed for this request!

Angela Hughes
Gracious God, we love you, thank you your faithfulness, love and mercy. We pray against the spirit of anti Christ,false witness,terrorism,idolatry, sexual immorality, sorcery,leviathan,jezebel,witchcraft,hatred,wars, pestilences, famine,divination and violence. We ask that your people would humble themselves and repent of their sins and that you would forgive our sins and heal our land. We pray that the spirit of darkness be lifted from America and the scales would be lifted from peoples eyes that they may see the truth and be set free. We pray for a return of your people to the fear of the lord and that the ancient foundations of American be not removed. We pray that Jesus Christ guide the minds of those who govern us to promote the common good according to his will and that the leaders of our nation and the world may have the strength to govern wisely the peoples entrusted to them by the Lord. We pray that you would raise up leaders after Christ own loving heart and bring down those who would seek only their own power and glory. Reveal all corruption and let your justice prevail in the earth. Convict the conscience of any person in position of leadership who fail to serve their people faithfully and cause those who are unfit for office to step down. We pray for revival in our hearts and churches that God would rise up sheperds that are spirit filled, speak the truth in love and manifest the gifts of the holy spirit. Pray the Lord Jesus will grant peace in the land, and we will lie down and no one will make you afraid. Pray that the Lord would remove wild beasts from our land, and the sword will not pass through our country.We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and healing for all of those affected by the coronavirus. Lord in your loving kindness and tender mercies hear our prayers and let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We give you glory for moving by your spirit and answering our prayers. In Jesus name Amen.
7 people prayed for this request!

Chinyere Rowland
Please pray for me. That I do not have a miscarriage but a healthy whole pregnancy by God’s grace! I’m pregnant. I needs God’s favor during this pregnancy. I pray that God let me keep this pregnancy and baby or babies by His grace and mercy. Please pray for my mom. She had a stroke and has a severe infection on her back. Please pray for her healing and deliverance.
12 people prayed for this request!

Lezhen Liu
Please pray for my mom Shuying Wang who is daughter of God! She lives in China and has had the third or the fourth time stroke and even though she already moved out from ICU but she still cannot speak and move even has feeding tube, urinary drainage tube and oxygen intake since over two weeks ago... She is suffering right now and I am also suffering in NYC and she really needs God’s miracle healing!!!
11 people prayed for this request!

Swaroop Purani
12 people prayed for this request!

Michael Scholl
God fully repair my relationship with Emily more healing forgiveness trust more time together deep bonding joking flirting unity see best in each other our romance to rekindle totally support and love each other
8 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER request Protection prosperity miracles freedom finances wisdom heathy Succès chance for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
5 people prayed for this request!

Swaroop Purani
Dear True Holy One God, I need your sure help. Actually I am citizen of India and permenant resident if Canada. The Holy angels from heaven constantaly directing me to go back to my country. LORD please direct my path. Please bring us TRUE justice. Giift us righteous outcome. We pray in the name of LORD Jesus Christ. Amen...Amen...Amen.
5 people prayed for this request!

For HELPMATE guaranteed and CALL in Jesus Christ's Name Amen.
6 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER request Protection prosperity miracles finances freedom wisdom heathy Succès chance for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
5 people prayed for this request!

Swaroop Purani
Dear True Holy God, I pray in the Holy name and Holy Truth of Lord Jesus Christ that I act according to PSALM 23 throughout my entire life. thank you. in Jesus name. Amen.
4 people prayed for this request!

Let me overcome the wicked.
7 people prayed for this request!

Denise Young
Invite Jesus & holy armies to help my total family tree, some are & some are not saved. Maya soc. Security debit card, winter clothes, ID was taken by extortionists, she is afraid. We need miracle, mercy, guidance, protection, housing, jobs healings etc, also help her Dad Leonard. Invite God + armies please via prayer, thanks
8 people prayed for this request!

I pray for my praying mantis they are my children people harm in hurt them I raise them in new to them since they were born they are innocent creatures they don't deserve to suffer Every Spring they have babies and when they're hungry and scared they squeak they know to come to me whenever in trouble he was threatening their surroundings and threatened them their lives and their surroundings their endangered species are not supposed to kill or harm them they are God's creatures I'm here on this Earth to protect God's creatures as an angel from heaven it makes me very angry when people kill them come over with tact it with them I have some praying mantis outside in the box of blankies and food and water I live in a group home and I'm having a hard time breathing the main cuz there's people around I pray that God will protect them and keep them warm in the box and keep them safe from harm and danger around them I have some praying mantis inside and I'm trying to keep them safe I lived in a group home in the past they have thrown their beds away into the dumpster they have gotten killed so many of them I moved out of the group home cuz I life was in threatened Danger I got very angry so I moved to another group home I still worry about their lives around people they're very afraid of people they run away cuz they're scared they know they're endangered around people but I see them and they come to me and squeak for food I feed them like they're my own children and I love them and hold them they're very friendly towards me because they know I'm that mother and they know I won't hurt them I don't understand why people want to hurt God's creatures their innocent creatures there's not much of them around but people have killed in harm them it is the state law do not kill a praying mantis or you'll get a fine I am very much protecting them I mean tell some people I pray that they stay in good health and not be injured and live a long life style and they're not sick I wanted to pray that God will protect me from my enemies persecuting me attacking me 24 hours a day that God will fight my battles in times of trouble against my enemies that'll Wicked don't hold grudges and persecutes me when they persecute need a persecute God that God will fight my battles against darkness when my enemies in a time of trouble that my enemies will lose that God will win the battle and protect me I wanted to pray that God will forgive me my sins and have mercy on me I'm a sinner I am guilty for all my sins I have committed Wicked against God that God will give me salvation lesson life into having a bring peace into my soul do I become a born-again Christian and God will save me and give me salvation I am praying for mercy for my Wicked since I have done in the past do in the future to come I live in a group home and 47 years old they threatened to evict me from the group home I don't understand why and nose are my enemies I'm talkin about it's the staff I wanted to pray that
1 person prayed for this request.

For my private prayer requests to be answered always in Jesus Christ's Name Amen.
14 people prayed for this request!

Prayer Request: Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you and Bless you for this, My prayer request is, Please forgive people that hurt me, and forgive my sins (public & private) (Acts 7:59-60), For a better relationship With The Lord and a cleaner heart, For everybody in the world to be what they are suppose to be in life, For every True Man of God to ever exist to be Highly Blessed in Their Work for The Lord and Love doing it, For The world to get better for The future Generations of The Body of Christ, for all of Israel and Jewish people to Believe in The Lord, Jesus Christ, His Death on The Cross for our sins and His Resurrection, and to be highly blessed in what they do for The Lord. For everybody who prayers for me be blessed 7777 times fold. For Every single thing I do bless everybody involved for the better 7777 times over. For Divine forces to be in my favor, Forever. To Truly be Baptized in The Name of Jesus and filled with The Holy Spirit at the appointed time. For Everybody to be on The Lord's schedule and timing for His Kingdom. For Humanity's free will not to interfere with The Lord's plans in everybodys' life until The Ends of time. For All The Children of The Body of Christ to be Highly Blessed Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally and Physically to Develop into The Beings That The Lord Wants for His Plans and Purposes Until The Ends of Time. Bless Sarah the peace keeper. To make GOOD History in For Overall World healing and blessing until the ends of time. For me to seize the moments that The Lord brings my way for the better. For every single believer's prayers reach The Lord and He answers them according to His Will in Time and History, and forever. Bless Jerusalem and Judah forever. For my work for The Lord to be Highly Blessed, and do and love it with the passion of a God.(Psalms 82:6).For me to realize and highlight in my spirit and eye sight answered prayers forever. For My Bloodline to Overflow with The Holy Spirit Everyday until The Ends of Time. For your ministry to continue to be blessed to do its work for The Body of Christ, thank you for your service for the Kingdom. Bless Jerusalem, and for its people to be highly blessed in what they do for The Lord until Christ's Return.To bless and mercy on the past, present and future believers that are part of my bloodline. For The Lord to watch over, protect and Highly bless for generations to come the Jewish, Isreali, Native American children globally and all the descendants of cancer surviving children to be blessed to get to appreciate a better life and stay strong to carry on to doing the world that The Lord wants them to do. For Anybody who ever cheats on their spouse to be punished 7 times over until the point of death. For daily declarations to come to pass for the better until the ends of time. Bless every being to ever exist in any realm to serve The Lord with Gladness forever.
3 people prayed for this request!

Swaroop Purani
Dear Father God, True Holy God I pray in the holy name and holy truth of JEHOVAH, I am passing through destruction by demonic forces in my ROOT of mind from HIGH heavenly places. I am trying to commit suicide SO I ca save my life on earth and reach on time at heavenly place before my destruction. heavenly Father I know suicide is not Good option to choose but in the consequences of demonic destruction, i coose to select to SAVE my life. so plesse help me instead of punish me. I pray in the HOLY name and HOLY truth of JEHOVAH. Amen.
3 people prayed for this request!

Laura Downs
Asking God to show me how and where to get my car fixed so it passes emissions. Asking God for help with my body. I have had several spinal surgeries and am having issues with my lower spine in 3 discs, and also asking God to please show the doctors what Auto immune disorder they are picking up on in my bloodwork. Please Lord, help me with Byron. I don't know what to do anymore? You know the issues surrounding everything and I feel discouraged with no solution coming forward. I just cry and cry. I've been so scared that my wick won't be trimmed and my lamp won't be filled with oil when Jesus returns and the church is raptured.
1 person prayed for this request.

Protection prosperity miracles finances wisdom heathy freedom Succès chance for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name

Joey Mcroberts
Joni - for salvation, deliverance from anger, bitterness, and a self-centered attitude. Pray for her to treat her husband with respect, love, and intimacy. ***Pray God's word over you. Philippians 2:4 Do not each look to your own, but each also should look to the things of others
2 people prayed for this request!

Swaroop Purani
Dear Lord GOD, please help me. I am under strong demonic influence. I want to perform 40 days tea and water fasting. For my True Salvation and deliverance of my soul. I want to start from today please Bless me. In the holy name and Holy Truth of Lord Jesus Christ/ Yeshua/ Amen.
7 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER request Protection prosperity miracles finances wisdom heathy Succès chance for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
6 people prayed for this request!

For Joni T. Deliverance for the desire of alcohol for her to go to church Sunday for the baptism of the holy spirit for her to treat her husband with love affection intimacy
3 people prayed for this request!

Rodrigo Meza
Dear brothers in Christ Jesus, I humbly ask you to pray for my Mother Celia, at this moment she is super ill and she is between life and death, she has the Covid 19 disease and the hospitals do not want to receive her for treatment And I declare and decree in the Holy name of Jesus Christ that is above every name that my Mother Celia is going to heal because he is the only Doctor and I need all of you Dear brothers to pray for my Mom so that she recovers her health Amen, thank you for your beautiful Prayers Amen
4 people prayed for this request!

Swaroop Purani
Dear LORD God I come to Your refuge with joy for You shelter me against the attack of the devil. Protect me, O Lord, from the craftiness of the enemy, and save me from his evil plots. Cover me with Your presence when I feel weak so that he will flee from my presence. In the holy name and holy Truth of LORD Jesus Crist. Amen.
6 people prayed for this request!

Angela Hughes
Gracious God. We love you. You are the center of our joy and the strength of our lives. We pray against the spirit of anti Christ,false witness,terrorism,idolatry, sexual immorality,sorcery,leviathan,jezebel,witchcraft,hatred,wars, pestilences, famine,divination and violence. We pray that the spirit of darkness be lifted from America and the scales would be lifted from peoples eyes that they may see the truth and be set free. Your word says in I Corinthians 6:9-11Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God We pray for a return of your people to the fear of the lord and that the ancient foundations of American be not removed and that you would bring men and women to a place of repentance and forgive our sins. Please forgive us Lord! We are all guilty! Give us hearts to know you that we might return to you. Jeremiah 24:7 says it so perfectly and we claim this promise: Then I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the LORD; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart. Help the President to act under the guidance of your Holy Spirit. You raise up our leaders and you take down, so help us to put our trust in you and not any person. You have this nation in your hands and are not willing that any should perish, but all come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9.We ask that you give the President his family and administration the mind of Jesus Christ and fill them with your holy spirit. Surround him with Godly council and that all elected officials and world leaders will have wise counsel and have a heart for God. We ask that you will forgive the sins of our land and heal our land. We pray that corruption in our nation be exposed and your justice prevail. Have mercy on us all. Grant us your peace and direction. We pray for revival in our hearts and churches. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and healing for all of those affected by the coronavirus. Lord in your loving kindness and tender mercies hear our prayers and let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We give you glory for moving by your spirit and answering our prayers. In Jesus name Amen
4 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST : Please continue to pray for Pastor Theiringo's prayer request (scroll down). He is still waiting for answers to these prayers.
2 people prayed for this request!

Richard De La Cruz Jr.
God the Father, God the Son, & God the Holy Ghost are three divine deities that are one God infinite & eternal without end, Amen.
3 people prayed for this request!

Please pray that I would closer to Christ, I really want a change life. I have been struggling with my thoughts, Just real warfare taking place, Please Lord help. Just want my mind, soul, and body to glorify the Lord. Please closer to Christ.
7 people prayed for this request!

Aleena Lapsey
My dad, Max Lapsey is giving up on treatment for his lung cancer and deciding to stop trying. Our whole family is devastated. I put it all in God's hands. He is very depressed and down. He had radiation to his lungs and I it left him with some devastating side effects, Such as; shortness of breath wheezing and general weakness. He also can barely taste food and swallowing is getting difficult. Please pray for improvements in my dad's quality of life and him to find hope and strength in God and his family who refuses to give up on him. Please also pray for a miracle and for his cancer to heal.
6 people prayed for this request!

Ana Maria Cruz
Please, if you have time, say a small prayer for my daughter Cianny Celest Sanchez Cruz and her fellow soldiers will complete their deployment safe and sound and return in one piece. Loving God, you watch over each and every one of your children. Hear my prayer for my daughter Cianny Celest Sanchez Cruz Be her constant companion. Protect her no matter where she goes, and bring her safely and quickly home to those who love her. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
11 people prayed for this request!

Gi Lop
Hi, lord bless, god has given me dreams for a year now to reach out to an isolated girl at the church, but she always hard to talk to... i want prayer for that, may the lord bless you, her name is jaqueline... and mine is gi
11 people prayed for this request!

For Marte and Makenzie J
I want to request prayer, for my dear friend, Makenzie. that she and (Marte) work things out. pray he will forget the past and they will move forward. and he will let go of everything. also pray for his salvation. Pray for restoration of their relationship. And pray he gives her a place to stay or she will be on the streets.. this is very urgent request pray for a miracle. and pray that they will still get to get married . believing in a miracle to happen before January 16th
8 people prayed for this request!

Please pray that i find a place to stay before its too late pray my income comes in time also for my health problems and that i find my wallet also that i sell all the furniture in the house also that i find someone to love me for me and have a family of my own and a car
5 people prayed for this request!

Daniel Cahill
Hi pastor and all my wonderful brothers and sisters at Faith Temple COGIC!Words cannot describe what a blessing it is to be lying homeless at 74 under a dangerous highway bridge at night knowing someone is praying for you so please keep me in prayer it is saving my life!GOD richly bless you brother Danny 1/9/21
1 person prayed for this request.

Please help me to stand in agreement and pray for my friend Davionn. He has been fighting a silent battle that has left him suffering with attachment from his past. God I pray for you to pull Davionn out of this storm and forgive him for the mistakes he made in the past. He has repented and needs God to turn his life around. God may your favor be upon him and help him out of this situation. God please we need you. Please stand in agreement with me and pray for my friend Davionn.
2 people prayed for this request!

I want to request prayer, for my dear friend, Makenzie. that she and (Marte) work things out. Pray for restoration of their relationship. And pray he gives her a place to stay or she will be on the streets.. Pray he will keep in contact with her this is very urgent request pray for a miracle
4 people prayed for this request!

Lourdes Font
Keep my cousin Mary Font in yours prayers. She is having heart surgery tomorrow. God bless you all!
8 people prayed for this request!

Magda Lovejoy
pray Eledaa Kamphuijs has recovery from trauma associated to divorce and send guardian angel to help him do well with horseback riding. Deliver me from Neil...
11 people prayed for this request!

prayer request for deliverance from demonic attack preventing studies
8 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER request Protection prosperity miracles finances freedom wisdom heathy Succès chance for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
4 people prayed for this request!

Mathew Patterson
My girlfriend Kimberly benavidez come on to messaging right now so I can talk to her ask her are you okay is your illness gone I'm very worried about her right now.
5 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST : Concerning the pastor Thieringo : for the years 2020 and 2021 and after : Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country. Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo's life in Jesus name. When I(pastor Thieringo) cry, answer me, God of my justice! When I am in distress, save me! Have pity on me, listen to my prayer! Sons of men, how long will my glory be outraged? How long will you love vanity, will you seek lies? Know that Jehovah has chosen a godly man; The Lord hears when I cry to him. Tremble, and sin not; Speak in your hearts on your bed, then shut up. Offer sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the LORD. Many say, Who will make us see happiness? Bring on us the light of your face, O LORD! You put in my heart more joy than they have when their wheat and their must abound. I go to bed and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD! you give me security in my home. Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me. Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help. Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the Lord chase them.Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the Lord persecute them.For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul. Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruction let him fall. And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord: it shall rejoice in his salvation.All my bones shall say, Lord, who is like unto thee, which deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him? False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not.They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul. But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom. I behaved myself as though he had been my friend or brother: I bowed down heavily, as one that mourneth for his mother. But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together: yea, the abjects gathered themselves together against me, and I knew it not; they did tear me, and ceased not: With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth. Lord, how long wilt thou look on? rescue my soul from their destructions, my darling from the lions. I will give thee thanks in the great congregation: I will praise thee among much people. Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: neither let them wink with
1 person prayed for this request.

Aretta Williams
I was under spiritual attack. I had been hearing chanting and voices. The chanting got so intense one night I asked my husband to pray for me, he touched me and he started to hear chanting and then he saw a witch. He told her I was a child of God and she could not have me. She asked, where would she go? He told her he did not know but she could not stay here. He prayed her away. I would like for you to pray for our strength in the Lord so we will be prayed up so if it comes back we will be prayed up. Sincerely, Aretta Williams
4 people prayed for this request!

Ana Maria Cruz
Lord, I pray Your emotional, physical, and spiritual protection over my nine year old Daughter Eliana L Sanchez Cruz was abused in a private school when she was 5 years old. Keep evil far from her, and help her to trust You as her refuge and strength. I pray You will guard my childs mind from harmful instruction, and grant her discernment to recognize truth. I pray You will make her strong and courageous in the presence of danger, recognizing that You have overcome and will set right all injustice and wrong one day. Help her to find rest in Your shadow, as they lives in the spiritual shelter You provide for her. Let my daughter know that the only safe place is in Jesus.
4 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER request : Protection prosperity miracles finances wisdom heathy Succès chance for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
5 people prayed for this request!

7 people prayed for this request!

Hi, Please pray that no part of our group's lot/property will need to be expropriated anymore. Please also pray for personal healing from asthma and for a family member's wounds (no complications), and for unspoken prayer requests. Thank you and God bless.
5 people prayed for this request!

So lonely can you please pray for me for some kind of a good thing maybe some way that my ex husband will talk to me again a miracle
6 people prayed for this request!

For Overall World Healing and blessing until The Ends of Time, for Jewish people and Israelites to be blessed and protected until the ends of time, for supernatural and other prayers to come to pass at this very moment, for a gigantic financial blessing, for prayers to come to exist soon, and Never Go to Hell, and in all my getting, let me get a understanding (Psalms 27:7.) Peace be unto you in Jesus Christ's Name Amen.
3 people prayed for this request!

Mathew Walker
I would like to be happy right now my girlfriend Kimberly benavidez come on to messaging right now so I can talk to her ask her is your illness gone now.
4 people prayed for this request!

Kenneth Wilson
Pray for my family for deliverance from drinking and drugs and for salvation. Pray for my relationship with my next door neighbor Vannah for our relationship and love to grow stronger than ever before and her family for deliverance from wrong doing, for rebellion, wrong influence and for salvation. Pray for my relationships that live across the world for strength and growth. Pray for all those who loved me and left me. Pray for my team "the Alliance" for miracles. Pray for our church and the body of the church. Pray for myself
9 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST : Concerning the pastor Thieringo : for the years 2020 and 2021 and after : Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country. Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo's life in Jesus name. When I(pastor Thieringo) cry, answer me, God of my justice! When I am in distress, save me! Have pity on me, listen to my prayer! Sons of men, how long will my glory be outraged? How long will you love vanity, will you seek lies? Know that Jehovah has chosen a godly man; The Lord hears when I cry to him. Tremble, and sin not; Speak in your hearts on your bed, then shut up. Offer sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the LORD. Many say, Who will make us see happiness? Bring on us the light of your face, O LORD! You put in my heart more joy than they have when their wheat and their must abound. I go to bed and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD! you give me security in my home. Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me. Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help. Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the Lord chase them.Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the Lord persecute them.For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul. Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruction let him fall. And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord: it shall rejoice in his salvation.All my bones shall say, Lord, who is like unto thee, which deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him? False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not.They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul. But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom. I behaved myself as though he had been my friend or brother: I bowed down heavily, as one that mourneth for his mother. But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together: yea, the abjects gathered themselves together against me, and I knew it not; they did tear me, and ceased not: With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth. Lord, how long wilt thou look on? rescue my soul from their destructions, my darling from the lions. I will give thee thanks in the great congregation: I will praise thee among much people. Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: neither let them wink with
1 person prayed for this request.

please pray for 2 dogs and 4 cats to be saved and get adopted from animal shelter M., or they can be euthanized in a short time. Thanks
3 people prayed for this request!

261 people prayed for this request!

Philip Obin
Hi! My name is Philip Robert Obin. My birth date is July 9th, 1991, am 29 years old, and lived in Queens Village, NY my entire life, and about to move to Florida soon. I'm a grandson to famous Haitian artist Philomé Obin, and a cousin to former Haitian president Paul Eugene Magloire, 4 times removed. I was born with autism and a learning disability because of a speech delay. Didn't talked much back then when I was a kid. Didn't even know I had a voice back then. Because of my autism, my life is going nowhere. I've been having these voices in my head since I was 7, telling me that I'm no good for some reason. Don't know where they came from, I just want them all to stop for good. Also, I was diagnosed with diabetes since 2015. The doctor said I was drinking too much juice. I was losing too much weight because of this. It's like all these years, my life was a total waste. I have no job experience, failed college, being duped by the system, and I keep on getting worse every single day. Any advice or words of encouragement? Please tell me, what has my entire life been like? Please help me out! I want to get rid of all my problems, and live a better, normal life! Thank You So Much And God Bless! Sincerely, Philip Robert Obin
1 person prayed for this request.

Mathew Walker
My girlfriend Kimberly benavidez talking to me on messaging right now I'm very worried about her she has an illness.
6 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST : Concerning the pastor Thieringo : for the years 2020 and 2021 and after : Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country. Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo's life in Jesus name. When I(pastor Thieringo) cry, answer me, God of my justice! When I am in distress, save me! Have pity on me, listen to my prayer! Sons of men, how long will my glory be outraged? How long will you love vanity, will you seek lies? Know that Jehovah has chosen a godly man; The Lord hears when I cry to him. Tremble, and sin not; Speak in your hearts on your bed, then shut up. Offer sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the LORD. Many say, Who will make us see happiness? Bring on us the light of your face, O LORD! You put in my heart more joy than they have when their wheat and their must abound. I go to bed and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD! you give me security in my home. Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me. Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help. Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the Lord chase them.Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the Lord persecute them.For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul. Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruction let him fall. And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord: it shall rejoice in his salvation.All my bones shall say, Lord, who is like unto thee, which deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him? False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not.They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul. But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom. I behaved myself as though he had been my friend or brother: I bowed down heavily, as one that mourneth for his mother. But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together: yea, the abjects gathered themselves together against me, and I knew it not; they did tear me, and ceased not: With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth. Lord, how long wilt thou look on? rescue my soul from their destructions, my darling from the lions. I will give thee thanks in the great congregation: I will praise thee among much people. Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: neither let them wink with
5 people prayed for this request!

Mebrak habteselassie
Hello how are you my name is mebrak I live in San Antonio texas I am sending you this email to ask you if you can pray for my son who is 4 years old he can't talk he have autism his name is Ayub he was boring on 01/07/2016 he will be 5 years old on 01/07/2021 and for my brother in law who is in prison back home in eritrea his name is eyob for my husband his name is abrehale and for all our family members and our friend I want to ask you if you can send me holy oil and holy water for my son and I am sending you picture of my son me my husband with his brother ayub and samuel my address is Mebrak habteselassie 1215 castroville rd apt # 105 San Antonio Texas 78237 USA Telephone number 678-933-5626 Thank you so much God bless you
5 people prayed for this request!

Carmal Beyers
Please pray that my ex will see reason and settle our divorce. He has been repeatedly unfaithful and abusive. Please i am desperate for this to be finalized so that i can move on with my life, raise my children and be of help to others going through something as difficult as this. He stalks me and makes threats on our lives.
5 people prayed for this request!

4 people prayed for this request!

please pray for 2 poor dogs and 4 cats .to get adopted or the shelter can eutthanase them , its business for shelter owners. . Pray for pet safety and good home. Thanks
2 people prayed for this request!

i don t think jj no how serious this i m not driving him to her house not going be part of it plus they re heavy smokers that s another thing then bring tht smell in ere u guys needs has another talk with him maybe he think because these guys at school have a girlfriend he don t wants to be left out also I needs get his brother on some meds God is not please I'm going call u sometime today this wht happens after fews hrs later jj go over to visit his girl I told him be back by served time(10pm)he said(11pm) I dont think so I said(10pm) but so we came to an agreement anyway he couldnt tell time so i had gt up an drive to gt him jj he has a nerve to get an attitude the mom mixing me a place on the couch boy u must think I had stupid ridden all over my face i wasn t going to allow my grandson to spend the night at her mom house i dont think so I dont think this lady as parents can be a mom also have respect for herself or daughter or my grandson tht is not the way im raising him hey to spend night at someone house I never met her its call respect I dont even know her is she crazy tht devil is a liar wht going to happen I will get the law involved I need the lord to intervene in this situation breakthrough before I lose both boys we help in our household
4 people prayed for this request!

Ana María Cruz
Urgent prayers for protection, and good health and provision favor and family unity. For god to Provide for all of our needs and help us in this tough time. To protect us from harm and evil and evil people.To go before us and prepare every way for us. If any path is crooked or dangerous. To Protect us from the schemes of the enemy and keep us from deception. I pray for peace and healing in our hearts.  Luz Minerva Camacho Carrasquillo my Mother who has cancer & arthritis, liver pray for healing, Angel G Rosado has health issues pray for his surgery be a success and he heals quickly please, Olivia Palmer Sanchez, Eliana Sanchez Cruz Struggles with nightmares ever since she was abused at a school, Cianny Celest Sanchez Cruz, Savanna Sanchez Cruz, Shareem Jenkins,  Shareem JenkinsJr, Gianny Jenkins Sanchez, Katerina Quinones Cruz has asthma issue pray for healing,  Jonathan Davila suffers from seizures Adrian Davila, Camilla Davila, Clarissa Davila,  Elvis Sanchez Robles has health problems,
7 people prayed for this request!

Fil Bloom
Brothers and Sisters, our God-given democratic way of life in America is being destroyed as fraud and manipulation mock US Election. Whether it is true or not that the Clinton Foundation, Senator Feinstein, and Speaker Pelosi have stakes in Dominion Voting Systems Corporation, it appears Pelosi’s former Chief of Staff – Egyptian-American Muslim activist Nadeam Elshami who was reportedly a Gore-to-Bush “vote siphoning” coordinator – had lobbied in DC since April 2019 for Congress to have the Dominion provide its voting equipment to over 30 states, amid congressional inquiries about foreign hacking and despite Secretary of State reports that Texas had rejected the vendor’s Democracy Suite 5.5-A voting machines for 3 elections now due to multiple hardware and software issues vulnerable to fraud or unauthorized manipulation. In 2020, Democrats saw pandemic opportunity to use absentee ballots as alternative strategy to win the presidency by the House of Representatives instead of by an Electoral College that cannot be presumed to state popular choice when voting for a President. On September 28, 2020, Pelosi detailed to her caucus the scenario of how neither Trump nor Biden can win a majority of electors and then underscored need to expand the Democrat majority in a newly elected House, for January 2021 when each Representative will be required by the 12th Amendment to cast his vote to elect a President. After November 3, absentee ballot fraudulence and electronic vote switching by glitched or hacked Dominion equipment were reported. Mass media hyped unofficial declarations of a Biden win but failed to pressure the President to concede. Instead, unwavering Trump refused to acquiesce to probable fraudulence and chose instead to litigate in a fight for rule of law. As vote count controversies grow widespread, a no-win presidential race situation looms to warrant election of a President in January 2021 instead of by Electoral College in December 2020. America stands like small David facing giant Goliath in a fight against the father of lies before the all-seeing Most High. Yet God Almighty by whom all things are possible will battle deception for us, if we seek his face and humbly pray: Our Father in heaven, forgive our wicked ways. Hear from heaven as we ask in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ for the Spirit to help work out early post-election audit by transparent, manual vote recount, in all candidacy levels, by each precinct in all states, that bastions of ballot fraudulence and vote stealing or padding be shattered, and truth shine out. Word of God peak and let your will over governing authorities be done, “For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God...” (Romans 13:1) Amen. All agreeing in prayer, please say Amen.
2 people prayed for this request!

Prayer Request: Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you and Bless you for this, My prayer request is, Please forgive people that hurt me, and forgive my sins (public & private) (Acts 7:59-60), For a better relationship With The Lord and a cleaner heart , For everybody in the world to be what they are suppose to be in life, For every True Man of God to ever exist to be Highly Blessed in Their Work for The Lord and Love doing it, For The world to get better for The future Generations of The Body of Christ, for all of Israel and Jewish people to Believe in The Lord, Jesus Christ, His Death on The Cross for our sins and His Resurrection, and to be highly blessed in what they do for The Lord. For everybody who prayers for me be blessed 7777 times fold. For Every single thing I do bless everybody involved for the better 7777 times over. For Divine forces to be in my favor, Forever. To Truly be Baptized in The Name of Jesus and filled with The Holy Spirit at the appointed time. For Everybody to be on The Lord's schedule and timing for His Kingdom. For Humanity's free will not to interfere with The Lord's plans in everybodys' life until The Ends of time. For The Children of The Body of Christ to be Highly Blessed Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally and Physically To Develop into The Beings That The Lord Wants for His Plans and Purposes Until The Ends of Time. For Overall World healing and blessing until the ends of time. For me to seize the moments that The Lord brings my way for the better. For every single believer's prayers reach The Lord and He answers them according to His Will in Time and History, and forever. Bless Jerusalem and Judah forever. For my work for The Lord to be Highly Blessed, and do and love it with the passion of a God.(Psalms 82:6).For me to realize and highlight in my spirit and eye sight answered prayers forever. For My Bloodline to Overflow with The Holy Spirit Everyday until The Ends of Time. For your ministry to continue to be blessed to do its work for The Body of Christ, thank you for your service for the Kingdom. Bless Jerusalem, and for its people to be highly blessed in what they do for The Lord until Christ's Return.To bless and mercy on the past, present and future believers that are part of my bloodline. For The Lord to watch over, protect and Highly bless for generations to come the Jewish, Isreali, Native American children globally and all the descendants of cancer surviving children to be blessed to get to appreciate a better life and stay strong to carry on to doing the world that The Lord wants them to do. For Anybody who ever cheats on their spouse to be punished 7 times over until the point of death. For daily declarations to come to pass for the better until the ends of time. Bless every being to ever exist in any realm to serve The Lord with Gladness forever. For every children to be highly blessed to appreciate T
2 people prayed for this request!

Protection prospeeity financé for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
5 people prayed for this request!

Sathish Guru
Pray for my finances.
6 people prayed for this request!

Fil Bloom
Brothers and Sisters in the Spirit, please help pray for America as election in a time of pandemic is being messed up to destroy our God-given democratic way of life. Historically, the US’ College of Electors has not always been faithful to their state's popular choice when electing a US President in the interest of country and nation. Hence it was strategic planning when Speaker Pelosi detailed to her caucus on September 28, 2020 an alternative scenario wherein neither Biden nor Trump could be declared winner of a majority of electors and then underscored imperative need to expand their majority, thus preventing Republicans from gaining control, whereby a newly elected House must decide the presidency in January 2021, with each state Representative casting a single vote as required by the 12th Amendment. Whether rumor is true or not that Pelosi herself, Senator Feinstein thru her husband, and the Clinton Foundation have stakes in Dominion Voting Systems Corporation that provided glitchy voting software or machines to over 30 US states, a fact is that Pelosi’s former Chief of Staff who became Dominion's DC lobbyist – Egyptian-American Muslim activist Nadeam Elshami – is a known Gore-to-Bush “vote siphoning” coordinator capable of conceiving contingency that, if President Trump won with 304 elector votes over Hillary Clinton’s 227 by the US Constitution in November 2016, cannot absentee ballot harvesting and vote count controversy win the presidency for Biden with 219 more Democrat House seats over 203 more Republicans’ by the 12th Amendment in January 2021? It now appears that massive election fraud and ensuing election protest litigations are but a result of cunning ploys orchestrated to not only achieve Pelosi’s no-win presidential race objective but also to distract attention from probable secret electronic siphoning of congressional votes from Republican candidates to the Democrats, thereby effecting the condition that warrants House of Representatives’ election of a US President by the 12th Amendment and securing the partisan majority’s preference. So do join in praying: “Our Father in heaven, forgive our deceptions and hear our plea. We ask in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ for the Spirit to enable early election audit by transparent manual vote recount, in all levels of candidacy, in each precinct at all US states, to thwart vote stealing and let out verified truth in good time. Not our desires but God’s will be done in establishing governing authorities, "For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God" (Romans 13:1). Amen.” All God's people agreeing in prayer please say "Amen."
4 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for Diane a front line minister for many years helping people get out of the occult. She's in a good position for some miracles. Specifically for toxic fumes inside and outside her home to be completely cleared, especially for wind and rain!! For the machinery inside to be effective. For her lungs, liver, kidneys and brain to be healed from the exposure. Also for protection, a continual hedge and Angel's fighting for her. Thanks so much and God bless you!!
10 people prayed for this request!

10 people prayed for this request!

I Need God's help in Letting go of anger, lust, and greed. I also want shackles and chains broken and soul ties cut. I want to become a better person but its so hard and i dont want to give up i want to keep fighting
7 people prayed for this request!

Protection prosperity miracles for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
11 people prayed for this request!

I would like prayer and healing for Shirley Steele she is in need of healing in her brain of cancer and her body. Heavenly Father I ask for forgiveness of all my sins and I thank you for forgiveness of all my sins. Lord I'm asking for healing for Shirley Steele that you would touch her and make her whole from the top of head to the soles of her feet. Heaven father I know you don't see me you see Jesus as I pray so Father I ask you to forgive Shirley Steele of all her sins. Father you know what a perfect healing would be in Shirley Steele aka Ms Precious I ask you to heal Ms. Shirley Steele and I Thank you she is forgiving for all sins in the name of Jesus Amen.
12 people prayed for this request!

Pray for us. 1. Holy Spirit Overflowing to have Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit. 2. Wisdom to solve all problems wisely and lead all people. 3. Removal of all curses, sicknesses and evil activities in the family and Fellowship. 4. Financial Overflowing for Land purchase and Prayer Hall construction. 5. Transformation of Joseph Haokip ,recovery of lost mobile, good job and good life partner. 6. Healing of Ruth Haokip and Lhingminhoi. 7. Above all , protection of our properties against all evils activities.
8 people prayed for this request!

Jacqueline I Montgomery
Hello ! I Jacqueline Montgomery Writing For Prayer.I Got My Keys Today For My New Apartment And I Pray Pray Pray God Protect Me And My Apartment.I Pray My Nextdoor Neighbors And Downstairs Neighbors Are Kind Loving Caring Godly.Thanks And God Bless
10 people prayed for this request!

Jonathan Grove
Please pray for me. I struggle a lot with being single and I truly desire to be married. I wanted to ask you if you would please pray that Jesus Christ in His mercy and grace will help me find a wife, the helpmeet who is right and best for me. Proverbs 18:22 says that he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. Please pray that Jesus Christ in His mercy and grace will make this verse from Proverbs become a reality in my own life soon and that Jesus Christ will help me be a good husband. Thank you. May God bless all of you.
8 people prayed for this request!

Pat Burke
Ask God to speak to the heart of moms & dads & awaken their God given parental instincts so they would protect, nurture & provide for their children. In the Bible, Solomon relied on this instinct to identify the real mother as the one who would do anything to keep her child alive. Too many moms & dads believe the lies taught by our culture causing them to be severely wounded by their decision to abort; over 60 million babies aborted with no end in sight. May no plan of the enemy succeed.
11 people prayed for this request!

Kenneth Wilson
Pray for Our Country the United States of America to humble ourselves and turn to God, turn from some much wicked way and mercy for our country as it comes to war. Pray for all the people and over the whole country's health. Pray for Israel and the Jewish people. Pray for the family of those who lost loved ones. Pray for peace and comfort during this difficult time. Pray for my family and for those who are sick for healing. Pray for my mother and my father and their health, deliverance from alcohol addiction and needs. Pray for my older sister\'s life and her husband prayed for her two daughters and three sons. Pray for my nephew. Pray for my little sister and her friend. Pray for my brother for godly wisdom and salvation. Also pray for his girlfriend and his two baby sons for protection. Pray for my cousin Marroldine's eye, my three uncles Alfred, Calvin, and Arthur also for my auntie's friend Darlene's health for divine healing. I have cried many times because of hurtful things in my relationship with my neighbor. Pray for my relationship with my next door neighbor Vannah for our relationship to grow stronger and better than it has ever been. Help us come closer together than ever before. Pray that we won\'t break apart for our love to be better than ever and her behavior and choices. Also pray for a miracle for our relationship to be more intimate and more loving. Pray for how my neighbor has treated me and how to love me more than before. Pray for a brighter day and special moments. Pray that nothing and no one will tear us apart. Pray for pulling down the strongholds and soul ties in her life. Stop all the wrongful and hurtful things that have been destroying our relationship. Set my neighbor free from the world of the enemy, from bad company and influences, from soul ties, and the things of the world. Pray that my neighbor won't leave me and to bring us together each day. Pray for restoration of what we had together and to bring our hearts together and Pray for our relationship to go to the next level. Pray for my neighbor and her whole family for deliverance from any wickedness and rebellion, salvation also draws closer together to do things the godly and loving way. Pray for my neighbor\'s brother, cousins, and others. Pray for the children and teenagers at the school and in the community that come from a dysfunctional community for deliverance from wickedness and rebellion. Pray for their hearts to be softened. Pray for salvation family members for deliverance for addiction and to turn their lives around. Pray for the churches. Pray for my pastor and his wife. Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ for their faith and walk with the Lord. Pray for our students in our children's church. Pray for my uncle Calvin and my cousin Calandra . Pray for our students and my coworkers . Pray for my financial need. Pray for the people of Africa. Pray for Myself for Deliverance for Pornagraphy , actions, healing and also I had my heartbroken
8 people prayed for this request!

Stevie Johnson
Please pray that I overcome sexual sin and walk the path that God has set before me. Pray that I walk as a warrior of Christ, am able to bring in more people during this harvest time, and that the Holy Spirit gives me the power to perform miracles for Jesus' glory. Please pray that the enemy encamped around me is destroyed by holy fire in the spiritual realm. Please pray for my friends: Zach Spanos, Cameron Williams, Kassy Vivero, Michael Villalon, James Marquez, Gabe Sequiera, Trey Smith, Ruben Santos, Adam Thompson and Javier Brown. Please pray against the Jezebel spirit in their lives that is trying to divide and conquer! Pray that we may be strengthened by God's word day in and day out so that we stand victorious against the enemy in Jesus' name!
7 people prayed for this request!

God please protect my marriage- Protect from all those that think I do not deserve this marriage and are praying against my marriage. Please Lord make my husband understand Home is first and not everywhere else.. God help me understand him as well as he understands me. God protect my marriage from witchcraft ,infidelity, and those praying against my marriages. Please remove from marriage failure. Demonic agents to remove themselves from my marriage. Please restore our kindness trust compassion care. Please protect us from those that wish bad upon us. Thank you all that pray for us and with us. I am greatly appreciative.
8 people prayed for this request!

Michael Zuccolotto
Please pray for me, for spiritual heart healing and a closer walk with Jesus. For deliverance of hardness of heart. In Jesus name. Thank you, Mike
6 people prayed for this request!

Nicole L
Please pray and ask that my family and I will be guided to the right attorney that will take my medical case, one that has supporting experts who agree with my doctors and that my family will be supported financially through this transition time. In Jesus's name, Amen.
7 people prayed for this request!

Please pray that I will be cured of this back pain that is caused by a sciatic pinch nerve. Please pray that I will be healed and the pain goes away.
9 people prayed for this request!

Please, pray that Jason & his family trust Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Let them see Satan's true nature and God's character! Pray that I follow God's direction. Thank you!
5 people prayed for this request!

Angela Hughes
Gracious God. We love you. You are the center of our joy and the strength of our lives. We pray against the spirit of anti Christ,false witness,terrorism,idolatry, sexual immorality,sorcery,leviathan,jezebel,witchcraft,hatred,wars, pestilences, famine,divination and violence. We pray that the spirit of darkness be lifted from America and the scales would be lifted from peoples eyes that they may see the truth and be set free. Your word says in I Corinthians 6:9-11Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. We pray for a return of your people to the fear of the lord and that the ancient foundations of American be not removed and that you would bring men and women to a place of repentance and forgive our sins. We ask that you give President Trump,his family and administration the mind of Jesus Christ and fill them with your holy spirit. Protect them from the coronavirus and surround him with Godly council and that all elected officials and world leaders will have wise counsel and have a heart for God. We ask that you will forgive the sins of our land and heal our land. We pray that your will be done in the Presidential Election of the USA. Have mercy on us all. Grant us your peace and direction. We pray for revival in our hearts and churches. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and healing for all of those affected by the coronavirus. Lord in your loving kindness and tender mercies hear our prayers and let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We give you glory for moving by your spirit and answering our prayers. In Jesus name Amen.
3 people prayed for this request!

Benjamin Mansell
I pray over your life, I pray Jesus Christ in the living heavenly kingdom lives and breathes his finished work inside your heart, I pray his power shines like a brilliant light out of every word you speak, every action you take, I pray his finished work shines so brightly blasting away evil, death and fear. I pray Jesus Christ the living prince of peace fills you with eyes that see only unconditional love and beauty. I pray strength, overwhelming joy, courage, love, hope and prosperity all in Jesus name. Amen
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Give me money. Pray.
4 people prayed for this request!

Phil Chavez
Please Pray Healing for Hearing loss, Memory, Bad Posture, Body Pain, Blood Pressure and others )Pray Excellent health from head to toe and long life for Lorraine Chavez now in Jesus Name. Pray Debt be gone from Lorraine Chavez in Jesus Name. Lorraine Chavez Possessions(House,Cars,Appliances Ext.) last a 100 times longer and become newer each day now in Jesus Name. I pray for Lorraine Chavez. And Please Pray Excellent health from head to toe and long life for my uncle Seve Chacon.In the name of Jesus Christ my dog Jezebel be healed of Lipoma and all other sicknesses and discomfort.
5 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for Diane a front line minister for many years for a miracle healing of MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity) and also for a tumor disappearing completely (bleeding stopped also). For a continual hedge of protection against attacks and more Angel's fighting for her plus additional intercessors to help out. She is currently helping someone who is a SRA survivor (satanic ritual abuse) and has Illuminati heritage. Thank you so much and God bless you!
7 people prayed for this request!

Deshawn Miranda
Praying for divine intervention, divine healing, divine big win, divine glory, divine providence, divine newness, divine talent, divine car, divine house, divine cleanliness, divine holiness, divine purity, divine beauty, divine perfection, divine pure smooth genitalia smoothest like the streets of gold in Heaven, divine realms of Glory Heaven in the divine blood of Jesus Christ wash Amen.
5 people prayed for this request!

Kenneth Wilson
Pray for Our Country the United States of America to humble ourselves and turn to God, turn from some much wicked way and mercy for our country as it comes to war. Pray for Israel and the Jewish people. Pray for the family of those who lost loved ones. Pray for Juanita Mattias and family for strength, comfort and peace over their loss of a loved one. Pray for my mother and my father and deliverance from alcohol addiction and needs and any other family members for deliverance. I have cried many times because of hurtful things in my relationship with my neighbor. Pray for my relationship with my next door neighbor for our relationship to grow stronger and better than it has ever been. Help us come closer together than ever before. Pray that we won't break apart for our love to be better than ever and her behavior and choices. Also pray for a miracle for our relationship to be more intimate and more loving. Pray for how my neighbor has treated me and how to love me more than before. Pray for a brighter day and special moments. Pray that nothing and no one will tear us apart. Pray for pulling down the strongholds and soul ties in her life. Stop all the wrongful and hurtful things that have been destroying our relationship. Set my neighbor free from the world of the enemy, from bad company and influences, from soul ties, and the things of the world. Pray that my neighbor won’t leave me and to bring us together each day. Pray for restoration of what we had together and to bring our hearts together. Pray for my neighbor and her whole family for deliverance from any wickedness and rebellion, salvation also draws closer together to do things the godly and loving way. Pray for my neighbor's brother, cousins, and others. Pray for the children and teenagers at the and in the community that come from a dysfunctional for deliverance from wickedness and rebellion. Pray for their hearts to be softened. Pray for salvation family members for deliverance for addiction and to turn their lives around. Pray for the churches. Pray for Myself for Deliverance, actions, healing and also I had my heartbroken. Pray for restoration in all my relationships. Pray for my niece Hannah and her father Martin. Pray for my new relationships. Pray for my sister in christ daughter Taleena for Deliverance. Pray for our pastor for healing. Pray for my old classmate Virginia for Deliverance for alcohol and drugs Pray for my team in the alliance
3 people prayed for this request!

Please please please pray for me. I'm pregnant and got a deadly disease diagnosed. Maybe god has word for me.
260 people prayed for this request!

please pray for young couple to start to seek and find a separate apartment in another town. Also pray for them to get a good jobs. Thanks
4 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for my daughter Ceaira she has had a lot of oppression at work where her co workers are reporting her to the boss for any little thing they don't seem to like her as she is fairly new. Please pray that no weapon formed against her will prosper and that the Lord would grant her favor with him and man. Pray that the lord would open the right doors for her in her life and close the doors that need to be closed. Pray for Godly relationships and that Jesus would prosper her in everything she does. We bind Satan and cancel the attacks of the enemy and call forth the Lords perfect plans for her life. We plead the blood of Jesus over Ceaira. and pray for a hedge of protection over her body soul and spirit in Jesus Name
5 people prayed for this request!

Denise Lantigua
Please pray for Gracie Richards that God intervenes and speaks to her by Monday regarding whether to have the surgery OR not to have the surgery AND that she takes heed to God's leading and directions. AMEN !!!!!!!!!
5 people prayed for this request!

Benjamin Mansell
I pray over your life, I pray Jesus Christ is so much a part of you. I pray Jesus Christ truth and spirit surrounding you with so much of God's love and strength that any spirit in opposition is no part of your life. I pray Jesus Christ commander of your life, your spirit your heart, that Satan has no power or opportunity to touch or defy God's love in your life. I pray Jesus Christs love ls your light and way forever. May his peace be with you Amen
5 people prayed for this request!

May God help me.
6 people prayed for this request!

Kenneth Wilson
Pray for Our Country the United States of America to humble ourselves and turn to God, turn from some much wicked way and mercy for our country as it comes to war. Pray for all the people and over the whole country's .  Pray for Israel and the Jewish people. Pray for the family of those who lost loved ones. Pray for peace and comfort during this difficult time. Pray for my  Pray for my family and for those who are sick for healing. Pray for my mother and my father and their , deliverance from alcohol addiction and needs. Pray for my older sister's life and her husband prayed for her two daughters and three sons. Pray for my nephew. Pray for my little sister and her friend. Pray for my brother for godly wisdom and salvation. Also pray for his girlfriend and his two baby sons for protection. Pray for my cousin Marroldine's eye, my three uncles Alfred, Calvin, and Arthur also for my auntie's friend Darlene's for divine healing. I have cried many times because of hurtful things in my relationship with my neighbor.  Pray for my relationship with my next door neighbor for our relationship to grow stronger and better than it has ever been. Help us come closer together than ever before. Pray that we won't break apart for our love to be better than ever and her behavior and choices.  Also pray for a miracle for our relationship to be more intimate and more loving. Pray for how my neighbor has treated me and how to love me more than before. Pray for a brighter day and special moments.  Pray that nothing and no one will tear us apart. Pray for pulling down the strongholds and soul ties in her life. Stop all the wrongful and hurtful things that have been destroying our relationship. Set my neighbor free from the world of the enemy, from bad company and influences, from soul ties, and the things of the world. Pray that my neighbor won’t leave me and to bring us together each day. Pray for restoration of what we had together and to bring our hearts together.  Pray for my neighbor and her whole family for deliverance from any wickedness and rebellion, salvation also draws closer together to do things the godly and loving way. Pray for my neighbor's brother, cousins, and others.  Pray for the children and teenagers at the and in the community that come from a dysfunctional for deliverance from wickedness and rebellion. Pray for their hearts to be softened. Pray for salvation family members for deliverance for addiction and to turn their lives around. Pray for the churches. Pray for my and his wife. Pray for our students in our children's . Pray for my uncle Calvin and my cousin Calandra . Pray for our students and my coworkers . Pray for my financial need. Pray for the people of the Bahamas and Florida. Pray for Myself for Deliverance, actions, healing and also I had my heartbroken. Pray for restoration in all my relationships. Pray for my niece hannah.  Pray for my new relationships. Pray for my team in the alliance
3 people prayed for this request!

Please pray that God would help me overcome jealousy and help me to learn contentment with what He’s given me. Pray also that God would help me overcome offense. Finally pray that God would make me into a laborer for the gospel and fill me with patience and love.
5 people prayed for this request!

Pray for me to be employed/enlisted into the Nigerian Navy 2020 enlistment exercise. Application Number: DSSC28/KOG/42/0000800 I have been applying for Nigerian Navy Direct Short Service Commission for four times now and nothing seems to be working for me. The presence of my prayers here, will definitely make be to be successful this year to be employed to Nigerian Navy, to the glory of God Pray for me for: Employment Blessings Favour Good opportunities Prosperity Protection Breakthroough I must come back here to give my testimony to the glory of God, Amen Thank you
8 people prayed for this request!

Amanda van Loon
Please pray for the right job opportunities for me and bless me with a job that will have a positive, happy, save atmosphere of peace and respect and gives me enough finances. Pray that God will bless me with work that I love, and that has value. Also please pray for God to bless my marriage. Furthermore, please pray for my bible school process, for good contacts there also with the people that work there and the team members for unity and respect and no gossip or jealous negative attitudes. I am going to my bible school this coming weekend, from 9/10/2022 till 11/10/2022, please pray for breakthrough and for Jesus His healing and deliverance for me.Blessings!!
348 people prayed for this request!

Nicholas Pearsall
Please pray for a beautiful wife that I can travel with, live with, and enjoy spending time with. A restored friendship with my friends Carolina and Bella . They both taught me so much about life. Hopefully I can have a restored friendship with them. One of the reasons they both would not date me is because I am not rich I feel like. Unfortunately, I would date both. That is one of the reasons I am broken inside.. Rejection, Also, for a lucrative job in the future, so I can attract someone like Carolina and Bella, good grades for the rest of college, and a wife that enjoys sexual intercourse in my life, for my health. Hopefully someday someone I am attracted to will love me. Pray that I learn to love myself.
5 people prayed for this request!

Sathish Harri
MODERATOR Response and prayer for Sathish: Once again Lord, this person has sent in a negative prayer request. I thank you Lord that Sathish found our site so we can pray for Sathish. I pray that this individual will learn the truth of your word and will accept you. John 3:16 says, For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Let this person experience your love. Allow them to listen to the videos on this site and let the words penetrate their heart. Let Sathish accept you! In Jesus' name, AMEN!
10 people prayed for this request!

Benjamin Mansell
I pray Jesus Christ fills Joy in this day. I pray Jesus Christ gives you life and fills you with his spirit of love. When you are feeling a bit tired from life, i ask and pray our Lord refreshes you in emotions and spirit. When you are ever weary I pray Gods purpose and love to carry you through. I pray of only God's love and Joy so even when tired you can rejoice. God knows and his love endures forever. I pray for your family. I pray they too know and experience God's love always. I pray for sound mind renewed to function in God's purpose. I pray for the physical strength to carry you through this day that God has created. I pray Jesus Christ's Help to prune and for you to not experience anything that drain you or sucks your energy or creates negativity. I ask all this in our Lord Jesus Christ forever Amen
11 people prayed for this request!

Kenneth Wilson
Pray for the world health for divine health. Pray for all of my New relationships. I have cried some many times because of hurtful things in my relationship with my neighbor. Pray for my relationship with my next door neighbor for our relationship to grow stronger and better than it has ever been. Help us draw closer together than ever before. Pray that we won't break apart for our love to be better than ever and her behavior and choices. Also pray for a miracle for our relationship to be more intimate. Pray for how my neighbor has treated me and how to love me more than before. Pray that nothing and no one will tear us apart. Pray for pulling down the strongholds and soul ties in her life. Stop all the wrongful and hurtful things that have been destroying our relationship. Set my neighbor free from the world of the enemy, from bad company and influences, from soul ties, and the things of the world. Pray that my neighbor won’t leave me and to bring us together each day. Pray for restoration of what we had together and to bring our hearts together. Pray for my neighbor and her whole family for deliverance from any wickedness and rebellion, salvation also draws closer together to do things the godly way. Pray for my neighbor's brother, cousins, and others. Pray for my brother in Christ for his relationship with his children’s mother for restoration as well. Pray for the children and teenagers at the school and in community that come from a dysfunctional for deliverance from wickedness and rebellion. Pray for salvation for family members for deliverance for addiction and to turn their life around. Pray for Myself.
10 people prayed for this request!

Jessica M
Please pray for me. I have severe debilitating tinnitus. It's very loud and my ears hurt. I cry every day and night. Please pray that Jesus will heal me. Thank you.
10 people prayed for this request!

Lourdes Font - Vélez
Prayer warriors I need that you lift up Xavier. He dealing with a lot of anxiety to the point that he can concentrate in his classes. He is very smart but he needs God in his life and everything will work in his behalf in the name of Jesus. Thank you for your prayers!!!
7 people prayed for this request!

Benjamin Mansell
I pray Jesus Christ fills Joy in this day. I pray Jesus Christ gives you life and fills you with his spirit of love. When you are feeling a bit tired from life, i ask and pray our Lord refreshes you in emotions and spirit. When you are ever weary I pray Gods purpose and love to carry you through. I pray of only God's love and Joy so even when tired you can rejoice. God knows and his love endures forever. I pray for your family. I pray they too know and experience God's love always. I pray for sound mind renewed to function in God's purpose. I pray for the physical strength to carry you through this day that God has created. I pray Jesus Christ's Help to prune and for you to not experience anything that drain you or sucks your energy or creates negativity. I ask all this in our Lord Jesus Christ forever Amen
8 people prayed for this request!

Josiah Smith
Need help uplifting my life right now. I am very depressed with my career and its affecting my judgement outside of work.
7 people prayed for this request!

Lord, we continue to pray for this person. She needs you Jesus in her life to be victorious. Allow her to listen to the sermons and find victory through relationship in Christ. In the precious name of Jesus. AMEN!
10 people prayed for this request!

Pray for my women and children.
4 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for high blood pressure. Pray for Glenn and I. Pray for my family safety from airplane flying over the house every day. I know God answered prayer.
7 people prayed for this request!

Phil Chavez
Please Pray Healing for Hearing loss, Memory, Bad Posture, Body Pain, Blood Pressure and others )Pray Excellent health from head to toe and long life for Lorraine Chavez now in Jesus Name. Pray Debt be gone from Lorraine Chavez in Jesus Name. Lorraine Chavez Possessions(House,Cars,Appliances Ext.) last a 100 times longer and become newer each day now in Jesus Name. I pray for Lorraine Chavez. And Please Pray Excellent health from head to toe and long life for my uncle Seve Chacon.
7 people prayed for this request!

Mark Phillip Christensen
Hi, From Aarhus, Denmark I was saved last year. And been truly passionate in preaching the gospel. And sharing the word of God!!... I had a profound ecounter with Jesus Christ when I got saved. So powerful. Now I prayed with a girl, who I think was very infleunced by other spirits, because I started feeling afraid, and tormented. Then I tried contacting someone in denmark, but now I feel even more weak. It's been such a vicious spiritual attack. And its right before i was gearing up to touring the country and sharing about Jesus Christ. Please, I desperately need prayer. I have so little boldness now, I need full restoration of the joy of God's salvation, I need that all encompassing peace of God that surpasses all understanding. It's hard to sleep, I can't properly witness to people, I cant even talk to people now, im basically just hiding and sharing stuff online. I have recieved a little comfort, but still under spiritual attack. I have skype: markphillipchristensen@gmail.com I pray this will spark a true and profound revival for God's glory, In Christ Jesus name. Amen
13 people prayed for this request!

Please prayer for my friend Eureta Tull. She is a woman of God and a prayer warrior. She had been going through demonic attacks and asking for corporate prayer. Eureta lives in Barbados WI with her husband 2 children and 1 grand child.
10 people prayed for this request!

please pray for good people to get poor old dog out of the shelter, or he will die there. Thanks
2 people prayed for this request!

Hi my name is Elizabeth and I’m desperate for healing. I experienced severe vertigo on Saturday and I’m still recovering now. It’s the 3rd time in my life I’ve had it. I’ve also been diagnosed with vestibular migraines and have had balance issues for 4 years. I also still have ringing in my left ear This has greatly impacted my life. There is nothing the doctors can do for me. Please also pray for emotional healing for me as it’s traumatic to go through this. I believe for a miracle and I’d like to see many people healed through me by Gods power one day. Thankyou for believing with me.
5 people prayed for this request!

Lourdes Font
I am asking my prayers warriors to lift my husband Rafael in prayer. The doctor told him this week that he needs surgery. Two of his discs are close together and that is what is causing his back pain. God bless you all
6 people prayed for this request!

Kathleen Henderson
For joni recovering alcoholic deliverance from temptation of or desire of alcohol. For her too show her husband love affection respect. For her too overcome selfishness bitterness anger. For her too desire the word of God.prayer for Ashley healing of vision Diabetes and marriage
3 people prayed for this request!

I am lifting up Pastor James Childs in prayer. God bless you
913 people prayed for this request!

God bless everyone. I have always preferred to put someone else in prayer. This time I would like to ask if someone can put me in prayer. This past weekend I felt even more mentally and physically drained. My mother has progressive alzthiemers. And even though i have been her main support system. I dont feel like I have any support, especially from my sibling. I know I am not alone because God is by my side. Some days I am good. Some days I just pray harder. Thank you for listening. God bless.
4 people prayed for this request!

Uyghur concentration camp 2 May I update prayer for concentration camps of Uyghurs? For 2 months ago I requested prayer deeply thankful for your prayer. The purpose of this request is to ask you become expert at Uyghur/Chinese camps,also pray like Chinese who are directly involved. 1st request I introduced the whole picture of reform through labor and current situation of Uyghurs, This time I'd like to request especially for Chinese Christians : As four types of people generally referred detained in Chinese concentration camp-(Uyghurs,Falungong practitioners,Christians,Tibetans),I think once I have to concern Chinese Christians though yes,there were lots of cruel testimonies of Uyghurs left behind accounting whole pictures. About whole pictures,Chinese Christians believe there are 80 million members in China (2017 'The Freedom House' counted also 80 million around that number); Among Christians commonly classify their churches as 4 levels : 1) The Petriotic Three-Self Church (????) : Which formed since 1957 Government rule under Chinese government 2) Registered (?? Dung-ji) Underground Churches : Which report to government they are meeting as Churches though receiving interferences 3) Resisting Churches : Resist the registration system operate openly though risking their lives 4.And most faithful churches started to conceal themselves even closing from every approaches/contact from outside,from silent cabinets (Because they found many secret police entered the churches) When Xi Jinping started to abolish all 4 levels of churches (Famous for demolishing church-cross videos in journals),currently 1)Armed police are surveilling inside worship place,2)They are arresting pastors and church members,damaging church properties,3) At midnight police squad raid into (house) churches,4) Beat the members/Interrogate with unimaginable tortures 5) And put them on forced labor Among Underground Church Christians have made this Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us6_t4i37Ho Members have arrested suffer forced labor inside the reform camps,which actually is scene by scene Auchwitz.put them all kinds/means of torture 2] Killing amount of labor (49m 59s on the above video),malnutrition and human experimentations/organ harvestings. During terms of prison forcing (religious) conversion continues,Inside the labor camps,after they get released After be released even with how much daily electricity use they surveil worship inside (even) silent cabinets Faithful Christians keep their faith even with 20,30 years life in prison,though some yields,also exist a lot of martyrs. Though total number of believers cracking down desperately (Like Zen Ze-kiun (???) : Cardinal of Hongkong claimed) 1990's we've seen great 'revival of underground churches' what we have seen was great 'flash of hope of future world churches, I think we should pray for restoration of Chinese churches from this crisis Please pray for : 1.Pregnant women,small babi
1 person prayed for this request.

Jesus, I pray that you will touch "Satti Hari"'s heart and mind - "She" is in need of salvation. I plead the blood of Jesus against this person that prays for things that are diametrically opposed to you. Save them, In Jesus' name, Amen!
4 people prayed for this request!

Richard G
Asking for prayer in the areas of guidance, direction, purpose, and plans for my life. I know there is so much more to what I have been doing and seeing. Please pray that God would teach me His Ways and give me true wisdom in this life. Please also pray that He would lead me to the right paths and that He would open doors that no man could ever open for me. I feel so empty and frustrated. I know what I am requesting is very jumbled, but please pray for me and however God leads you. Thank you!
6 people prayed for this request!

Would you please pray for Christopher Molnar. He is 33  years old and is in stage 4 terminal cancer.   Please pray for his salvation first, that God will send the perfect laborers to him that will tell him about Jesus that he will listen to and that he will be saved and filled with The Holy Spirit of God. Please ask God to perform a miracle and heal him completely from all cancer, That cancer will leave his body now in The Mighty Name of Jesus. Thank you so much for your prayers, Sandra
6 people prayed for this request!

Kathleen Henderson
For Joni's deliverance from selfishness, alcoholism, for Joni a desire to attend church and for her to show her husband affection, intimacy, and love. For Ashley - healing of blurry eyes, sugar and chest.
4 people prayed for this request!

Denise Lantigua
For Karen Tripp to be CANCER FREE !!!!! She has 3 young children and is concerned for them. Thank You.
14 people prayed for this request!

Adam Bradford
Please pray for my Dad Franklin Bradford He needs a healing in his liver. He is swelling and needs a possible transplant. Thank You and God Bless You
9 people prayed for this request!

prayer request Concerning the pastor Thieringo : for the year 2020 and after : Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country. Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo's life in Jesus name. When I(pastor Thieringo) cry, answer me, God of my justice! When I am in distress, save me! Have pity on me, listen to my prayer!
8 people prayed for this request!

Kathleen Henderson
For joni T. A desire for church a hunger for deliverance from alcoholism bitterness selfishness for her marriage too her husband Ashley peace intimacy for healing in Ashley Body for charlie too be cancer free healing for stacey connie jamie peace restoration
4 people prayed for this request!

God bless everyone. I was asked by Dr Paula Perez to share my testimony. First, I need to say I give all the glory to God. The year 2020 has been an unforgettable one. I want to tell you about my mother. She is a beautiful, kind, loving, funny soul. And I am privileged to be her daughter. My mother has progressive Alzthemiers. She has been nonverbal for the past few years. She’s had this illness for over 11 yrs. I have been her care giver for the entire time. My mother needs 24/7 care. For the past 10 years, thankfully she has been getting round the clock care, through a home health agency, until these last few months. During the coronavirus pandemic a few of my mother’s aides quit on her and gave no notice. My mother was not ill with the virus when this happened. I was able to work remotely for a short time while I was caring for my mother. Then a few weeks later, I ended up getting diagnosed with covid 19 while my mother was still not able to get 24/7 coverage. I became very ill and didn’t think I was going to survive. Unfortunately my mother who is in her 80’s, became ill with covid 19. My mothers condition was much worse than mine. I felt a huge level of guilt, blaming myself that I was responsible for getting my mother sick. When I was trying my best to prevent her from getting sick. I was more worried about my mother’s health than my own. I asked God to heal me, that way I can continue caring for my mother. During these past 5 years in particular, I have prayed a lot. But during these past few months I don’t remember praying so much. My mothers health took a major toll. The virus affected her organs, in particular her brain. She almost died on me twice. She was admitted to the hospital on two occasions. I felt this massive pain in my heart when I was told I couldn’t visit my mother while she was in the hospital. I would speak daily to the nurses and doctors in the hospital. And I would tell my mother by phone she was going to be OK. That she was in the hospital temporarily and she will return back home. The only thing that comforted me, was praying, listening to sermons and being on the prayer line. The amount of support my mother and I received was overwhelming. Since then, my mother and I have tested negative from covid 19. I thank God every single day. My mother has a long recovery ahead. She still needs to move, sit and walk on her own. She is making progress. She is alert, smiling, laughing and holds your hand. She has new aides that take care of her during the day. And I take care of her at night. Things could have been much worse for the both of us. I am so grateful to God, to give me this opportunity to spend quality time with her. We are living in a time of uncertainty. No one is granted tomorrow. Each day that God gives us, is a gift. Make it count. Don’t hold grudges, and forgive each other. Seek God daily. And thank God everyday for the little and big blessings.
4 people prayed for this request!

Pray for my blessings.
308 people prayed for this request!

Linda Poindexter
Prayer for my grand daughter Essence. Touch her mind and her heart and guide her back home.
7 people prayed for this request!

Hello, I thank you for faithfully praying. I want you inform that many ministers gave word in the past and present in concerning about Charles and Leia that they need to walk with the lord and take steps into a serious relationship and marriage asap.they need to be surrounded by the lord and lord encounters in their dreams and awake 24 /7. They are surrounded by angels and ministers. Men Ministers will approach Charles and speak the truth of his life asap. They are not listening to lord at this time. They know in their hearts that they support each other and love each other but are confused about their purpose about themselves and attack by the enemy. I pray that the truth is revealed and that they tell the whole truth to their parents and and ask for guidance and wisdom about them. Please pray a hedge of protection from evil and blood of jesus amen Charles and Leia needs devin intervention and protection from all evil and surrounded by the lord 24 to 7 for the rest of the year and restore his mind heart and soul to the lord . He has devin intervention and the lord encounters plus miracles and peace of mind. Please also pray protection over my family, home cars pets jobs and more and the blood of Jesus amen
2 people prayed for this request!

For joni deliverance from alcoholism selfishness bitterness anger jealousy for her marriage too her husband ashley too prosper. For Dee salvation deliverance from alchohol. For George too let kinley stay in Kentucky with Ashley and joni .for Ashley too get his 700 deposit back from where he moved
3 people prayed for this request!

1 million Uyghurs' concentration camp in China May I request prayer for Uyghurs and Chinese Underground Churches? On August 10 2018 UN has claimed China detains 1 million Uyghurs (According to World Uyghur Congress 3.5 million currently) in concentration camps.Current situation is like battle situation,Half of all Uyghurs are detainejavascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("ctl00$ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$ContentPlaceHolder2$submitButton", "", true, "SubmitInfo", "", false, true))d,armored cars are on the streets of Ürümqi,totally hunting down Uyghur people by force operation is ongoing. https://www.google.co.kr/search?biw=1422&bih=731&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=pWvzW8OOGoKB8wWrrb_YAQ&q=%E6%96%B0%E7%96%86+%E8%A3%85%E7%94%B2%E8%BD%A6&oq=%E6%96%B0%E7%96%86+%E8%A3%85%E7%94%B2%E8%BD%A6&gs_l=img.12...0.0..5010...0.0..0.0.0.......0......gws-wiz-img.kvkk8Qb9Us4#imgdii=ueEYEQ2KR7jqwM:&imgrc=twv6sbkesYlELM: Video clip : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa9w3wUWWAE Currently in Xinajing 1 million public officials are living 'inside' every house of Uyghurs,Inside camps endless beatings to males,organ harvestings,forced abortions by prison atrocities,sterilization injections to every females are serious problems. Testimonies are these bad : https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/11/28/begged-kill-uighur-woman-describes-torture-us-politicians/ Another I'd like to request prayer, according to China Daily,there are 310 concentration camps (Laogai ??) like these,current number of prisoner is 5 million (If we count 'secret black jails which we cannot research (will explain below) detainees surely reach at least 7-8 million) 'are suffering unimaginably cruel tortures,compulsory drugs and a lot of portion them are because of their beliefs (Tibetans,Falungong practitioners and Underground Church Members). About Christianity,I'd like to witness that China is eliminating 'all' Christianity absolutely from China and are applying same level torture of Mao-zedong era (Testimonial videos : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zY7N6B1WWE),These labor camps are notorious for (1) Government scale 'organ harvesting systems (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organ_harvesting_from_Falun_Gong_practitioners_in_China) (2) Their Tortures (3) Violence and ostracizing prisoners(4) Killing amount labor only permits 4 hours sleeping. Would you please pray for : 1.Pregnant women and small babies,elders,disable detainees,orphans especially in large numbers in Xinjiang internment camps 2.May Holy Spirit accompanies each Christian detainees during harsh hours. 3.Recent in 'Xinjiang Province' The Corona virus has reached,Pray may it doesn't transmit among inmates.(1.Baiquan(??) 2.Mianhudun(???) 3.Hubei Women's labor camp(????) situated in Wuhan city are biggest problems) 4.Lest no more 'organ harvesting' for Falungon practitioners,Uyghurs to achieve I request you to allow me update 2-3 more prayer to present you the way become 1.Expert on Chinese labor
3 people prayed for this request!

Art Done
Please add our brother Royce and his family, to your churches prayer. Prayer for his upcoming ultra sound to rule out a lump in his upper right chest August 24th 2020. He has been through a lot but The Lord brought him out! He still needs full deliverance, disintegration, implosion of every evil plot, and the favor of God to rest upon his life (Isaiah 54:17). Most of all right now he needs a job or income to succeed in Jesus name! Pray that God would send warring angels to defeat and remove any demonic force against this brothers destiny. Pray that Gods hand would be upon them and give them increase in every way, including a good job and finance, and provisions. Prayer for housing and the right location to live in. Also for income suitable for every dream and vision God has given hm. Prayer for those whom he has to interface with. Prayer for God to grant him, complete peace, strength, wisdom, healing and fill him with the Holy Spirit and be made whole & set free. Pray also pray that God will continue to supply their every need and show favor, according to his riches in Glory. That God would clearly show his path and will for this brothers life, and everything he touches will be anointed by God, including him. Prayer against any disease agent living in his body to be healed in Jesus Name. Prayer for the books and CD’s that are being birthed out of this experience, that they will bless everyone and the funds will be there to produce these items. Pray for the people and churches connected to his life to be blessed and be a blessing. Pray that God would order his steps, and clearly and fill him with the Holy Spirit and Fire! Also pray for his children and family to be protected and blessed with the favor of God and financial provision, and to be saved and in church. Prayer for the funds for medical and dental coverage to happen soon. Prayer for the 3 businesses and the 501c3 outreach ministry would be birthed in Jesus Name. Lastly, pray for God’s protection and favor to be upon his life! Prayer that he would refuse to wear the garment of anger, bitterness, frustration, pain, or shame. Prayer for new beginnings and fresh starts in Jesus Name, prayer that God would break every stronghold and plot of the enemy against his family and friends. Prayer that the eyes of his understanding be open in Jesus Name. Prayer that every fruit of the spirit be in and a part of this brother s life, and he would be enriched with many gifts from God for ministry" .But most of all he needs a house a place to call his own in Jesus Name! Please also pray for Royce to be able to save and do what he needs to do as he enters into the winter of his life. Prayer for his upcoming ultra sound to rule out a lump in his upper right chest. Special prayer for Sister Carr's health healing in Jesus Name!
4 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for Dale to heal from his illness that the medications and therapies work to bring him back to health. Thank you.
5 people prayed for this request!

Henry Shaner
Car is broke down again pray it's a cheap fix. Losing work and now have to find a place to live for my family. Pray my tax comes in soon to help.
1023 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST : Concerning the Pastor Thieringo : for the year 2020 and after : Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country. Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo's life in Jesus name. When I(Pastor Thieringo) cry, answer me, God of my justice! When I am in distress, save me! Have pity on me, listen to my prayer! Sons of men, how long will my glory be outraged? How long will you love vanity, will you seek lies? Know that Jehovah has chosen a godly man; The Lord hears when I cry to him. Tremble, and sin not; Speak in your hearts on your bed, then shut up. Offer sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the LORD. Many say, Who will make us see happiness? Bring on us the light of your face, O LORD! You put in my heart more joy than they have when their wheat and their must abound. I go to bed and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD! you give me security in my home. May all the evils spirits directed against me, coming against me acting against me: be bound, go away and come no more against me. May satan be bound when it comes against me, when it acts against me, when it comes against me, when it acts against me, when it acts in my life: let it be bound go and don't come against me in the name of Jesus. May the Eternal God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit reprove him drive him away in the name of Jesus. May the Lord God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit, Creatures Celestials of the Lord, Spirits of the Lord, who are in the service of the Eternal God, the Angels and Archangels of God, the fire of the resurrection power of Jesus Christ destroy the destroyer so that he may stop destroying me, so that he do not destroy me any more, stop those who persecute me to continue to persecute me, in the name of Jesus. May all things is in my life that does not come from God come out and don't come back, may the plans of God, the destiny of God for my life be fulfilled in the name of Jesus. May all altars on which, in which, under which my name is invoked to harm me be: -destroyed by the blood of Jesus. -consumed destroyed by the fire of the Holy Spirit, by the Eternal God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit the Angels and Archangels of God, the fire of the resurrection power of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus. -I put the cross of Jesus in the place of the altar -May the earth vomits what the enemy buried belonging to me -May what holds what belongs to me vomit my things for me -May the earth and what held my things don't obey to the enemy and the adversary. May the Lord God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit, Creatures Celestials of the Lord, Spirits of the Lord, who are in the service of the Eternal God, the Angels and Archangels of God, the fire of the resurrection power of Jesus -Christ: restore me, bless me and protect me beyond a hundredfold, May they come hastily to my rescue in the name of Jesus. -So be it : Ete
5 people prayed for this request!

Norbert Westfield
Hello pastor and prayer counselors I am asking for your prayers that God will tremendously bless my marriage to my wife Arlinda and that God's holy spirit will dwell richly in our marriage together in Jesus name
6 people prayed for this request!

5 people prayed for this request!

Edmund Krzeminski
[We read] In the King James Bible, Ezekiel 22:30: "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." O God, please help us and teach us to build a wall [of prayer] around the USA, Canada, Poland and Great Britain. Are you ready to stand in the gap, where God is the Helper and Teacher? Please pray that Great Britain, Poland, the USA, Canada would overcome for: (The Acts 26.18). * Poland, pray for freedom from dead religion to saving faith of Jesus Christ as the Saviour and the Lord by faith only, * the Church in the USA & Canada & Great Britain – Pray for repentance and cleansing of the church - Matt. 3.12 "Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire." * my family: 1. Bad executives are hurting me. Please pray for God's order in that case. 2. Stir up the hearts of my family for ministry for me, my wife Dorothy, our daughter Ann, and our sons Peter and Daniel - "..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24.15 3. Pray for God's will, wisdom, discernment, revelation and recognition for me and my family; I ask God for Edmund’s work situation, God's direction for Edmund , Dorothy, Peter, Daniel and Ann (also God's protection and blessings over the company where she works and she needs a husband), 4. God's order in my work. I ask God for great wisdom at my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses. Thank God for the continuation of my work.
6 people prayed for this request!

Jamal Cheatham
Pray for Khadijah Harden that God will expose all the lies, hidden things and bring everything out of darkness in this relationship into the light because Satan put this relationship together and this is the trick of the enemy (decree and declare this in Jesus name, Amen). Please pray for Khadijah Harden because she's in the wrong relationship with the wrong man (Teanu / Keanu) right now and that God will remove him out of her life and out of her home for good (this is the trick of Satan). Remember she got a 4 year old and 7 year old autistic (do it for the kids).
4 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST : Concerning the pastor Thieringo : for the year 2020 and after : Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country. Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo's life in Jesus name. When I(pastor Thieringo) cry, answer me, God of my justice! When I am in distress, save me! Have pity on me, listen to my prayer! Sons of men, how long will my glory be outraged? How long will you love vanity, will you seek lies? Know that Jehovah has chosen a godly man; The Lord hears when I cry to him. Tremble, and sin not; Speak in your hearts on your bed, then shut up. Offer sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the LORD. Many say, Who will make us see happiness? Bring on us the light of your face, O LORD! You put in my heart more joy than they have when their wheat and their must abound. I go to bed and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD! you give me security in my home.
3 people prayed for this request!

Pray for my mind and society.
8 people prayed for this request!

PRAYER REQUEST : Concerning the pastor Thieringo : for the year 2020 and after : Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country. Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo's life in Jesus name. When I(pastor Thieringo) cry, answer me, God of my justice! When I am in distress, save me! Have pity on me, listen to my prayer! Sons of men, how long will my glory be outraged? How long will you love vanity, will you seek lies? Know that Jehovah has chosen a godly man; The Lord hears when I cry to him. Tremble, and sin not; Speak in your hearts on your bed, then shut up. Offer sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the LORD. Many say, Who will make us see happiness? Bring on us the light of your face, O LORD! You put in my heart more joy than they have when their wheat and their must abound. I go to bed and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD! you give me security in my home. May all the evils spirits directed against me, coming against me acting against me: be bound, go away and come no more against me. May satan be bound when it comes against me, when it acts against me, when it comes against me, when it acts against me, when it acts in my life: let it be bound go and don't come against me in the name of Jesus. May the Eternal God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit reprove him drive him away in the name of Jesus. May the Lord God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit, Creatures Celestials of the Lord, Spirits of the Lord, who are in the service of the Eternal God, the Angels and Archangels of God, the fire of the resurrection power of Jesus Christ destroy the destroyer so that he may stop destroying me, so that he do not destroy me any more, stop those who persecute me to continue to persecute me, in the name of Jesus. May all things is in my life that does not come from God come out and don't come back, may the plans of God, the destiny of God for my life be fulfilled in the name of Jesus. May all altars on which, in which, under which my name is invoked to harm me be: -destroyed by the blood of Jesus. -consumed destroyed by the fire of the Holy Spirit, by the Eternal God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit the Angels and Archangels of God, the fire of the resurrection power of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus. -I put the cross of Jesus in the place of the altar -May the earth vomits what the enemy buried belonging to me -May what holds what belongs to me vomit my things for me -May the earth and what held my things don't obey to the enemy and the adversary. May the Lord God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit, Creatures Celestials of the Lord, Spirits of the Lord, who are in the service of the Eternal God, the Angels and Archangels of God, the fire of the resurrection power of Jesus -Christ: restore me, bless me and protect me beyond a hundredfold, May they come hastily to my rescue in the name of Jesus. -So be it : Ete
5 people prayed for this request!

Father I come in Jesus name and blood. Because in my own name and blood I am neither worthy nor known. Be merciful to me the sinner! And forgive my every debt and sin towards You. As You have shown mercy to Nineveh show mercy to me oh God. As you have helped Your servants in the Bible help me Oh God. I know that in the Bible You have been shown to have the highest authority within an instance of Your voice the Universe was created. And whenever You healed the sick it was done immediately after You spoke a word. So I know that these prayers will be heard and my life will be changed for Your glory just as fast. I have have several spoken requests and seven unspoken requests that You know Oh Lord.I pray Father You may grant them both. My spoken requests is that God may save, protect, and bless my marriage now and forever, we need Your help God. My wife A and I have been struggling in our marriage. I pray that my wife does not give up or fail me. And I pray for patience to deal with her.Oh God You say You hate divorce so please protect our marriage from those who are trying to destroy it as well. Especially protect it from that man that tried to destroy it in the past. I also ask that my wife A and I may be,want,do,think, and say all that You oh God wants us to be,want,do,think and say no matter what that may mean. So that You oh God may be pleased.So that my mother and father may always have a reason to smile and be happy with me. To bring glory to Your name oh Father God. To give a reason for your servants to praise Your name. To strengthen believers faith. To give a reason for nonbelievers to believe. And to discourage Your enemies Father. Please grant the requests by your grace and mercy alone may this request may be even given now. May these blessings alone be dependent upon your mercy and grace now and forever. I know You have already granted these requests for me in the past and it has undoubtedly shown. I thank You for that. May you give me faith also to help me believe that Your promise of these requests still stand. And I ask again. But thank You knowing You have already granted these requests.Even though I already have them I ask again and that you take away any doubts in Your kindness. In Jesus name I accept and am grateful amen.
5 people prayed for this request!

My prayer request for rejoining with Vij.
5 people prayed for this request!

Let good defeat evil.
3 people prayed for this request!

6 people prayed for this request!

Claudio Gomez
Pedidos de oracion Liberación Sanidad Restauración Familiar y Emocional Finanzas Judiciales Relaciones Sanidad Prayer requests Liberation Health Family and Emotional Restoration Judicial Finance Relations Health RESTAURACION EMOCIONAL Y FAMILIAR; Ruptura de maldiciones generacionales sobre mi vida y la mi vida de mi familia. Familiares dados en adopción por 3 generaciones. Encontrar a abuela materna Dora FINANZAS: Apertura de nuevas oportunidades de trabajo y negocio, cancelación de deudas, compromisos adquiridos JUDICIALES: Resolución de trámites y expedientes judiciales referente a enfermedad laboral y estafa inmobiliaria RELACIONES: Alejamiento de personas inoportunas y malas que no son de bendición para mi vida LIBERACION: Ruptura de ataduras ligaduras y pactos hechos con el enemigo en su juventud por desconocimiento de la Palabra de DIOS MARIA y y DORA SANIDAD Restauración aparato reproductor masculino, vías urinarias ORACION POR CLAUDIA Y AMERICA RESTAURACION EMOCIONAL Y FAMILIAR; Ruptura de maldiciones generacionales sobre la vida de AMERICA Y CLAUDIA FINANZAS: Apertura de nuevas oportunidades de trabajo y negocio, cancelación de deudas, compromisos adquiridos. Cobro de dineros adeudados RELACIONES: Alejamiento de personas inoportunas y malas que no son de bendición para sus vidas SANIDAD Restauración aparato reproductor femenino sistema glandular, reloj biológico, cáncer LiBERACION: Ruptura de maldiciones generacionales, ataduras y ligaduras puestas sobre la Cordillera de los Andes,, Quebrada de Sama, Quebrada de San Lorenzo, Camino de cornisa Salta Jujuy, Yungas boliviana, Vallés Calchaquíes Ataduras que impiden que alcancen sus bendiciones Ataduras puestas por familiares directos Claudio S. Gómez Prayer requests Liberation Health Family and Emotional Restoration Judicial Finance Relations Health EMOTIONAL AND FAMILY RESTORATION; De Break generational curses on my life and the life of my family. Relatives given up for adoption for 3 generations. Finding maternal grandmother Dora FINANCE: Opening of new job and business opportunities, cancellation of debts, acquired commitments JUDICIALS: Resolution of procedures and judicial records regarding occupational disease and real estate scam RELATIONS: Withdrawal from unwelcome and bad people who are not a blessing to my life RELEASE: Breaking of ties, ties and pacts made with the enemy in his youth due to ignorance of the Word of GOD MARIA y DORA HEALTH Restoration of the male reproductive system, urinary tract PRAYER FOR CLAUDIA AND AMERICA EMOTIONAL AND FAMILY RESTORATION; Break of generational curses on the life of AMERICA AND CLAUDIA GUANUCO FINANCE: Opening of new job and business opportunities, debt cancellation, acquired commitments. Collection of monies owed RELATIONS: Withdrawal from unwelcome and ba
6 people prayed for this request!

Phil Chavez
Please Pray Healing for Hearing loss, Memory, Bad Posture, Body Pain, Blood Pressure and others )Pray Excellent health from head to toe and long life for Lorraine Chavez now in Jesus Name. Pray Debt be gone from Lorraine Chavez in Jesus Name. Lorraine Chavez Possessions(House,Cars,Appliances Ext.) last a 100 times longer and become newer each day now in Jesus Name. I pray for Lorraine Chavez. And Please Pray Excellent health from head to toe and long life for my uncle Seve Chacon.
5 people prayed for this request!

please pray that God Delivers and Set Me Free from Sickness Thank You Lord
5 people prayed for this request!

Angela Hughes
Gracious God. We love you. You are the center of our joy and the strength of our lives. We pray that you will bring men and women to a place of repentance and forgive our sins. We ask that you surround our president with Godly council and that all elected officials and world leaders will have wise counsel and have a heart for God. We ask that you will forgive the sins of our land and heal our land. Have mercy on us all. Grant us your peace and direction. We pray for revival in our hearts and churches. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and healing for all of those affected by the corona virus. Lord in your loving kindness and tender mercies hear our prayers and let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We give you glory for moving by your spirit and answering our prayers. In Jesus' name, amen.
4 people prayed for this request!

Brian Chung
Please pray that mind drifting into a scary state ceases completely. My mind has drifted once a day the last few weeks. Please pray that it stops completely. Thank you. If for some reason it is from the Lord please pray for mercy and grace so thst it stops. I'm desperate for it to end. Thank you. I need really Christs shalom to flood my mind to keep everything ordered.
7 people prayed for this request!

pastor Thieringo aguigo
PRAYER REQUEST : Concerning the pastor Thieringo : for the year 2020 and after : Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country. Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo's life in Jesus name. When I(pastor Thieringo) cry, answer me, God of my justice! When I am in distress, save me! Have pity on me, listen to my prayer! Sons of men, how long will my glory be outraged? How long will you love vanity, will you seek lies? Know that Jehovah has chosen a godly man; The Lord hears when I cry to him. Tremble, and sin not; Speak in your hearts on your bed, then shut up. Offer sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the LORD. Many say, Who will make us see happiness? Bring on us the light of your face, O LORD! You put in my heart more joy than they have when their wheat and their must abound. I go to bed and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD! you give me security in my home. May all the evils spirits directed against me, coming against me acting against me: be bound, go away and come no more against me. May satan be bound when it comes against me, when it acts against me, when it comes against me, when it acts against me, when it acts in my life: let it be bound go and don't come against me in the name of Jesus. May the Eternal God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit reprove him drive him away in the name of Jesus. May the Lord God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit, Creatures Celestials of the Lord, Spirits of the Lord, who are in the service of the Eternal God, the Angels and Archangels of God, the fire of the resurrection power of Jesus Christ destroy the destroyer so that he may stop destroying me, so that he do not destroy me any more, stop those who persecute me to continue to persecute me, in the name of Jesus. May all things is in my life that does not come from God come out and don't come back, may the plans of God, the destiny of God for my life be fulfilled in the name of Jesus. May all altars on which, in which, under which my name is invoked to harm me be: -destroyed by the blood of Jesus. -consumed destroyed by the fire of the Holy Spirit, by the Eternal God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit the Angels and Archangels of God, the fire of the resurrection power of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus. -I put the cross of Jesus in the place of the altar -May the earth vomits what the enemy buried belonging to me -May what holds what belongs to me vomit my things for me -May the earth and what held my things don't obey to the enemy and the adversary. May the Lord God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit, Creatures Celestials of the Lord, Spirits of the Lord, who are in the service of the Eternal God, the Angels and Archangels of God, the fire of the resurrection power of Jesus -Christ: restore me, bless me and protect me beyond a hundredfold, May they come hastily to my rescue in the name of Jesus. -So be it : Ete
1 person prayed for this request.

2 people prayed for this request!

May people lead me.
2 people prayed for this request!

Angela Hughes
Gracious God. We love you. You are the center of our joy and the strength of our lives. We pray that you will bring men and women to a place of repentance and forgive our sins. We ask that you surround our president with Godly council and that all elected officials and world leaders will have wise counsel and have a heart for God. We ask that you will forgive the sins of our land and heal our land. Have mercy on us all. Grant us your peace and direction. We pray for revival in our hearts and churches. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and healing for all of those affected by the corona virus. Lord in your loving kindness and tender mercies hear our prayers and let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We give you glory for moving by your spirit and answering our prayers. In Jesus' name, amen.
3 people prayed for this request!

I'm in an impossible situation with my mom. She is overworking and she's hurting herself and she won't listen to anyone in the family. Please pray for healing and that she will rest and listen to her family and God. Please pray that God will intervene so she will listen and rest.
4 people prayed for this request!

Please Pray with me for my children, and that i will be able to see them on Zoom. Pray that they accept Christ (for those that are not saved). Thank you. God Bless.
4 people prayed for this request!

Deborah Aarons
The Aarons Family physical,& financial.
6 people prayed for this request!

Angela Hughes
Gracious God. We love you. You are the center of our joy and the strength of our lives. We pray that you will bring men and women to a place of repentance and forgive our sins. We ask that you surround our president with Godly council and that all elected officials and world leaders will have wise counsel and have a heart for God. We ask that you will forgive the sins of our land and heal our land. Have mercy on us all. Grant us your peace and direction. We pray for revival in our hearts and churches. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and healing for all of those affected by the corona virus. Lord in your loving kindness and tender mercies hear our prayers and let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We give you glory for moving by your spirit and answering our prayers. In Jesus' name, amen.
3 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for healing, strength, and deliverance for the Alexander family. 6 of the family members have tested positive for COVID-19. Living in the home with 3 of those diagnosed is an 86 year old man with medical issues, who has not been tested. Please also pray for God to protect him.
3 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for my friend Victoria, recently diagnosed with COVD-19
7 people prayed for this request!

Richard G
Please pray for my family and myself as we have just found out recently within the last two to three days that my sister has been being physically and mentally abused by her "fiance" for the last year. We had no idea that this was happening! My sister also has her two very young kids living with her and this guy (they are not his children) which means the kids have witnessed this unfortunate stuff going on. (God only knows what else). The other sad thing is she is still continuing to live with this guy in spite of everything which does not make any sense to me. Hearing all of this news has been extremely frustrating, painful, and very heart-breaking for my entire family, but especially for my Mom and Dad. Totally breaks our hearts as we don't know what to do. Please, PLEASE pray for wisdom, great grace, and protection, especially over my niece and nephew. Very sad to say this, but my sister's fiance unfortunately had us all fooled for so long. Very frustrating. Please pray for my family and me!
8 people prayed for this request!

Josie Derayunan
Dearest Lord, Please help my Brother Matthew who is a nurse who contracted COVID19 and right now cannot breathe and is coughing blood. I pray for healing and strength also to able to equipt the Doctors and medical professionals to help him and get the necessary medications and ways to help him get better from this virus. I pray please Lord Jesus please have mercy and take care of my brother to and the will to fight for his life and for the sake of his family. I pray please Lord heal us and be our refuge because we hold on to you in this time of crisis. These I pray for in the name of Jesus Our Lord and Savior. Amen
5 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for the family of my friend. Three generations have tested positive for COVID19. The first (mother/grandmother) passed last week. There is a mother and daughter remaining and they both tested positive. Pray for their strength and healing.
7 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for Sis Terrie. Her father passed a month ago and her son passed last week.
6 people prayed for this request!

Art Done
Please pray continually for sister Leigh who has been called to preach and the enemy is mad. Prayer for her protection, and wisdom, as her immediate job supervisor is tormenting her and trying to set her up. Prayer for all her kids to be in church and saved in Jesus Name. Also pray for her job security, financially stability, her boss is really unfair and demonic. The Devil is a liar, she is a strong Christian woman. Pray for her finance and ordination studies. Prayer for Deacon Bo healing an deliverance. Prayer for Sister Jeanne favor on her job peace and deliverance from every vexing spirit in Jesus name. Prayer for Martina to be whole and every need met, for God’s hand to be upon her life in Jesus Name. Prayer for Benaya for his finances. Prayer for Reverend Judy's Job and father and mother. Special prayer for Mother Turner health and wisdom. Please add our brother Royce and his family, to your churches prayer. He has been through a lot but The Lord brought him out! He still needs full deliverance, disintegration, implosion of every evil plot, and the favor of God to rest upon his life (Isaiah 54:17). Most of all right now he needs a job or income to succeed in Jesus name! Pray that God would send warring angels to defeat and remove any demonic force against this brothers destiny. Pray that Gods hand would be upon them and give them increase in every way, including a good job and finance, and provisions. Prayer for housing and the right location to live in. Also for income suitable for every dream and vision God has given hm. Prayer for those whom he has to interface with. Prayer for God to grant him, complete peace, strength, wisdom, healing and fill him with the Holy Spirit and be made whole & set free. Pray also pray that God will continue to supply their every need and show favor, according to his riches in Glory. That God would clearly show his path and will for this brothers life, and everything he touches will be anointed by God, including him. Prayer against any disease agent living in his body to be healed in Jesus Name. Prayer for the books and CD’s that are being birthed out of this experience, that they will bless everyone and the funds will be there to produce these items. Pray for the people and churches connected to his life to be blessed and be a blessing. Pray that God would order his steps, and clearly and fill him with the Holy Spirit and Fire! Also pray for his children and family to be protected and blessed with the favor of God and financial provision, and to be saved and in church. Prayer for the funds for medical and dental coverage to happen soon. Prayer for the 3 businesses and the 501c3 outreach ministry would be birthed in Jesus Name. Lastly, pray for God’s protection and favor to be upon his life! Prayer that he would refuse to wear the garment of anger, bitterness, frustration, pain, or shame. Prayer for new beginnings and fresh starts in Jesus Name, prayer that God would break every stronghold and plot of the e
6 people prayed for this request!

C Morales
I am praying for a cure for this corona virus. I am praying for cristina and her husband to be cured from this virus. I am also praying for healing and restoration for nicolette, ahmir, and keith. God bless you all.
11 people prayed for this request!

Brenda Morris
Please pray that I find a place to stay before it's too late. Pray that my income comes in time; also for my health problems and that I find my wallet also that I sell all the furniture in the house also that i find someone to love to love me for me and have a family of my own
9 people prayed for this request!

Pilar Cooper
Please Just Pray for My Whole Family ????
13 people prayed for this request!

Alicia Burke
Everybody pray for me and my best friend Megan Forman relationship to be restored this year 2020. Also, pray for me about a relationship I would like to have with Dakota Bentley this year 2020. We are all reminded to pray for people with the coronavirus to get better soon. I believe in our Lord and His power in prayer.
12 people prayed for this request!

Ruben Colon
Please pray for the salvation of: Woody, David, Jimmy, Alexis, Sheik, John, Jeremy, Kevin, Derek, Sean, Sheik, Jeremy, Sean and his family, Joey, Rick, James, Kevin, Louis, C.M., Leilani, Rebecca and her family, Ida and her family, and for the attacks of the enemy to stop against them. Please pray for my return to The Lord Jesus Christ; for my repentance toward God and faith toward The Lord Jesus Christ; healing for my backsliding, mind, body, soul, and spirit; for The LORD to help me through the trials I am going through and to bring the wiles and schemes of the devil and my enemies against me to nothing (psalm 64 & psalm 115) and turns their ways upside down; please pray for The LORD to protect me from my enemies and to deliver me from them once and for all. Please pray that The LORD provides for all of my spiritual and material needs and gives me wisdom and discernment in all things and guides my steps. Please pray for The LORD to give me more faith and to avenge me on my enemies.
11 people prayed for this request!

May God do something.
14 people prayed for this request!

li cross
Prayer request : please help me not to lost my job in the Administration Wing to preach the gospel.
7 people prayed for this request!

Please pray with me against the funding of abortion in Louisville Kentucky under the new administration. Pray that the Lord would convict the hearts of those into repentance who would shed innocent blood. Pray that our leadership in Kentucky would not look to their own interest but to the interests of others. That we would have righteous leaders who fear God and obey his commandments. Psalm 127:3-5 Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.They will not be put to shame. Job 31:15 Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers? Pray that the Lord would forgive his people who have sinned against him that he would forgive all of their offenses. In Jesus Name Amen
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phyllis bettison
My Holy father, I pray that thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I pray that thy kingdom come. I pray please forgive me and my kin folk of their sins and crimes. as we forgive those who have offended us. Please help us to keep our home out of foreclosure. I pray the mortgage co stand on their agreement and pay the property taxes on the home. I pray Father that you bless us with more income. Please Heal us and Restore our earning abilities. Please create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us. I pray that we be more respectful , Responsible and industrious. Thank you Father for your loving kindness and tender mercy. Thank you Lord Jesus for answering prayers and healing us. Please bless us to be in loving,supportive, caring relationships. Please bless us with supportive and helpful Friends. Please give us people in authority with our best interest in mind. Please lead these politicians to help marginalized people and their communities. I pray to an end to gang violence and gun violence.
9 people prayed for this request!

My teenage daughter just committed to a relationship with Christ as her Lord and Saviour. Please pray for her to be taught by the Lord and be stablished in the Faith, and pray for me to know how to help her. Thank you.
7 people prayed for this request!

Pray for daughter who is having surgery! UPDATE: God brought her through the surgery successfully!
10 people prayed for this request!

Daniel Cahill
Hi Pastor and all my wonderful brothers and sisters at Faith Temple COGIC! Please say a prayer for me. I am homeless at 73 years of age and need strength just to survive! The good news is I am saved and believe your prayer will greatly help me! GOD richly bless you. Brother Danny 12/28/19
13 people prayed for this request!

Pray for Sis. Cassandra and her children
17 people prayed for this request!

Please, God, I beg you to reunite me with my niece and my great niece very, very soon. Amen. Love, Leah
18 people prayed for this request!


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