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Project #Feeding5000

Project #Feeding5000

Author: Pastor John E. Perez
December 07, 2017

This year we gave 50 Thanksgiving baskets to the local school district. These baskets were geared up to feed over 200 people. This ministry was started over 20 years ago at the church. 

We had one of our Mothers bring in canned goods from her own pantry to feed several families in the church for thanksgiving. She then reached out to the local grocery stores and was able to get them involved in also donating turkeys and other food to accommodate a Thanksgiving meal for these families.

Now 20 years later, our local grocery store donated 50 turkeys and people in the community and church donate funds to buy all the canned goods needed to feed families in our community. This was a mighty move of God's hand. 

This was a milestone for this Church and this Mother who saw a need and planted a seed to grow this from what began with 5 families to now 50 families! And now next year we are looking forward to feeding 150 families! #Feeding5000



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